i8beef / node-red-contrib-castv2

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TypeError: util.promisify is not a function #15

Closed SuperJuke closed 4 years ago

SuperJuke commented 4 years ago

I'm getting the following error in Node-Red:

"TypeError: util.promisify is not a function"

Was on node v7.4.0, upgraded to v8.17.0 and v10.2.0, still the same error.

Can you please help?

i8beef commented 4 years ago

I bet you'll find you're still running on 7 somehow. Promisify wasnt a thing until 8.0. node red doesn't even support anything older than 10.0 lts at this point, so I think you're going to have to figure out what's messed up with your node install. I'm not a node expert at all, so you might get better help here from the node red forums...

SuperJuke commented 4 years ago

I'm running NVM which can switch between versions of Node. Pretty sure it is on v10 right now. My node-red however is version 0.16. That might be the issue. Been holding back the upgrade of node-red because version 1 breaks the CSS from the older versions. Guess I will have to figure this out.

i8beef commented 4 years ago

If util.promisify isn't defined, then I'm pretty sure you must be running on a node before 8.x... I'm not sure how node-red would be specifying a different version. Remember, if you're running under docker you are running the node version in the container, not the one on the host system.

You might also read through this on their faq: https://nodered.org/docs/faq/node-versions#using-nvm

SuperJuke commented 4 years ago

Got it working. Was running an old Node-red in Docker. Replaced it with the latest docker image for Node-Red, v1.0.3. Thanks.