i8beef / node-red-contrib-castv2

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Failed to install: node-red-contrib-castv2 #19

Closed did57 closed 4 years ago

did57 commented 4 years ago


node-red-contrib-castv2 does not want to settle with me. Here is the log:

2020-03-29T13:03:47.197Z Install : node-red-contrib-castv2 2.0.5

2020-03-29T13:03:47.217Z npm install --no-audit --no-update-notifier --save --save-prefix="~" --production node-red-contrib-castv2@2.0.5 2020-03-29T13:03:55.317Z [out] 2020-03-29T13:03:55.317Z [out] > protobufjs@6.8.9 postinstall /root/.node-red/node_modules/protobufjs 2020-03-29T13:03:55.317Z [out] > node scripts/postinstall 2020-03-29T13:03:55.317Z [out] 2020-03-29T13:03:55.463Z [err] internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:985 2020-03-29T13:03:55.463Z [err] throw err; 2020-03-29T13:03:55.463Z [err] ^ 2020-03-29T13:03:55.463Z [err] 2020-03-29T13:03:55.463Z [err] Error: Cannot find module '/root/.node-red/node_modules/protobufjs/scripts/postinstall' 2020-03-29T13:03:55.463Z [err] at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:982:15) 2020-03-29T13:03:55.463Z [err] at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:864:27) 2020-03-29T13:03:55.463Z [err] at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:74:12) 2020-03-29T13:03:55.463Z [err] at internal/main/run_main_module.js:18:47 { 2020-03-29T13:03:55.463Z [err] code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND', 2020-03-29T13:03:55.463Z [err] requireStack: [] 2020-03-29T13:03:55.463Z [err] } 2020-03-29T13:03:55.919Z [err] npm 2020-03-29T13:03:55.919Z [err] ERR! code ELIFECYCLE 2020-03-29T13:03:55.919Z [err] npm 2020-03-29T13:03:55.919Z [err] ERR! 2020-03-29T13:03:55.919Z [err] errno 1 2020-03-29T13:03:55.921Z [err] npm 2020-03-29T13:03:55.922Z [err] ERR! protobufjs@6.8.9 postinstall: node scripts/postinstall 2020-03-29T13:03:55.922Z [err] npm ERR! Exit status 1 2020-03-29T13:03:55.922Z [err] npm 2020-03-29T13:03:55.922Z [err] ERR! 2020-03-29T13:03:55.922Z [err] npm 2020-03-29T13:03:55.922Z [err] ERR! Failed at the protobufjs@6.8.9 postinstall script. 2020-03-29T13:03:55.922Z [err] npm ERR! 2020-03-29T13:03:55.922Z [err] This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above. 2020-03-29T13:03:55.948Z [err] 2020-03-29T13:03:55.948Z [err] npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: 2020-03-29T13:03:55.948Z [err] npm ERR! 2020-03-29T13:03:55.948Z [err] /root/.npm/_logs/2020-03-29T13_03_55_930Z-debug.log 2020-03-29T13:03:55.961Z rc=1

i8beef commented 4 years ago

Im not actually sure what you're seeing here. You might try asking in this issue for protobuff to see if they have any ideas:
