i96751414 / script.flix.magneto

Provider for Flix, using Torrest
4 stars 1 forks source link

Allow parsing multiple pages instead of a single page only #15

Closed i96751414 closed 7 months ago

i96751414 commented 7 months ago

Currently the plugin only supports parsing a single page for getting the main rows (results). The idea is to extend the scraper so it supports fetching results from different pages.

antonsoroko commented 7 months ago

so https://github.com/i96751414/script.flix.magneto?tab=readme-ov-file#using-an-additional-parser does not do this already?

i thought that "torrent_url": "td[1]/a[2]/@href", will point to sub page, magneto opens sub page and then "magnet": .//main/div/ul/li/a/@href" will find magnet link.

i96751414 commented 7 months ago

Yes, you are correct. What I mean is parsing additional pages of results, not sub-pages of existing results. I.e, at the moment the plugin only parses, lets say, page 1 of results. But there might be the case where additional pages are available and we want to parse them. Additional parsers, on the other hand, are parsers for extending results we already have.