i96751414 / script.flix.magneto

Provider for Flix, using Torrest
4 stars 1 forks source link

Making file sizes human readable format #2

Closed BTopbas closed 4 years ago

BTopbas commented 4 years ago

Making file sizes human-readable format in list.

BTopbas commented 4 years ago

Oh my bad! You are so fast!

i96751414 commented 4 years ago

No problem. I will add that to the documentation tomorrow.

i96751414 commented 4 years ago

Also, you can see the supported formats/conversions here: https://github.com/i96751414/script.flix.magneto/blob/60a9e7fd459403fdbf87d8d054e3ddd8a5108cbf/lib/scraper.py#L37-L54

The conversion can be applied with {field!<conversion_letter>} and the format can be applied with {field:<format_letters>}