iBananos / just-drag-and-drop

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npm start - initrd.img #24

Closed sanderator closed 2 years ago

sanderator commented 2 years ago
(base) sander:react-ts-app$ npm start

> react-ts-app@0.1.0 start
> react-scripts --openssl-legacy-provider start

ℹ 「wds」: Project is running at
ℹ 「wds」: webpack output is served from 
ℹ 「wds」: Content not from webpack is served from /home/sander/courses/ter/jdnd_gitted/site-web/react-ts-app/public
ℹ 「wds」: 404s will fallback to /
Starting the development server...
Failed to compile.

./src/styles/index.scss (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--5-oneOf-6-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss!./node_modules/resolve-url-loader??ref--5-oneOf-6-3!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--5-oneOf-6-4!./src/styles/index.scss)
Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: Linux 64-bit with Unsupported runtime (102)
For more information on which environments are supported please see:
  throw err;

[Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/initrd.img'] {
  errno: -2,
  code: 'ENOENT',
  syscall: 'stat',
  path: '/initrd.img'

Node.js v17.1.0
iBananos commented 2 years ago

d'après mes recherches ce serait une incompatibilité entre les versions de node et de sass :

If the version of node is wrong, you must downgrade node, or upgrade node-sass, until you have a compatible pair. If the node version is supported, you may just need to run:

npm rebuild node-sass (with -g if node-sass was installed globally).

If that doesn't work, you can:

npm uninstall node-sass && npm install node-sass (again, with -g if necessary).

sanderator commented 2 years ago

Ca marche, après avoir fait npm update node-sass