iBicha / UnityYoutubePlayer

Play YouTube videos in Unity
The Unlicense
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[Important] Heroku account suspension #77

Closed iBicha closed 2 years ago

iBicha commented 2 years ago

As of Nov 27 2021, Heroku sent me a Notification of account suspension.

"This is a notice to inform you that your Heroku account has been suspended. Reason for suspension: violation of the Heroku Acceptable Use Policy."

Unfortunately, this means the free instance I provide is now down.

This means you will need to host your own instance (see README) with a provider that will not mind youtube-dl-server.

If you use heroku to host youtube-dl-server, you should probably take it down to prevent account ban.

I am asking for additional clarification, as I'm not clear what was the issue exactly (but I suspect Youtube's ToS)

I'll add additional clarification as I receive them.

PS: if you are shopping to Desktop platforms exclusively, you should not be affected by using YoutubeDl. UseLocalInstance which is turned on by default.

iBicha commented 2 years ago

Update: it looks like the account suspension was caused by an incident, and has nothing to do with this app specifically. https://status.heroku.com/incidents/2386 The demo endpoint https://unity-youtube-dl-server.herokuapp.com is now up and running