iBicha / UnityYoutubePlayer

Play YouTube videos in Unity
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The 360 video application no longer works #80

Closed ktfk94 closed 1 year ago

ktfk94 commented 2 years ago

After a few months of using the UnityYoutubePlayer without a problem, now is not working. The aplication gets 360 videos from youtube and plays it. It is done in Unity with Android.

From a 360 video of youtube it generates a URL like this one: https://rr2---sn-h5nhv8pa-cjos.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1643478019&ei=oyf1YcXvI8jSxwKixLWQCw&ip=

It shows this error: WindowsVideoMedia error 0x80004004

If I use this URL in my google chrome it works but now it doesn't work anymore when I use it in a videoPlayer. What have changed and what can I do to fix this problem?

The version used when all was working was 1.4.

Thank you very much!

ktfk94 commented 2 years ago

Changed the version to 2020.3.15f2 and still gets the same error

iBicha commented 2 years ago

Yeah, tricky. We used to feed youtube-dl an empty user-agent, and set the video to about 1080p, and that roughly works. This is a risk with using unofficial youtube stuff, it can break anytime.

iBicha commented 1 year ago

Released v2.0.1, which should fix 360 (at least the 360 demo scene works) The audio still does not work.

iBicha commented 1 year ago

If this fixes the issue, feel free to close!

SYBIOTE commented 1 year ago

its not working, i get this error using the latest LTS , with the master branch

JsonReaderException: Additional text encountered after finished reading JSON content: y. Path '', line 3, position 0.

iBicha commented 1 year ago

its not working, i get this error using the latest LTS , with the master branch

JsonReaderException: Additional text encountered after finished reading JSON content: y. Path '', line 3, position 0.

I can't seem to reproduce the error, but I suspect that this happens because while yt-dlp returned a valid json, maybe it printed a warning or an error to the stderr stream. The package concatenates stdout and stderr before json parsing, which I realize now that it does not make sense.

If you can reproduce this issue consistently, please check if the fix #97 does the job or not.

SYBIOTE commented 1 year ago

all right thanks a lot, ill test out some other stuff and follow your recommendation

iBicha commented 1 year ago

As of right now, 360 seems to work. Please feel free to comment/reopen or create a new issue if this is not the case

jayaram9877 commented 10 months ago

108 I guess its the same issue