iBotPeaches / Apktool

A tool for reverse engineering Android apk files
Apache License 2.0
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[BUG] Recompilation error: "invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference" #2618

Open antoshkin opened 3 years ago

antoshkin commented 3 years ago


  1. Apktool Version (apktool -version) - 2.5.1
  2. Operating System (Mac, Linux, Windows) - Ubuntu 20
  3. APK From? (Playstore, ROM, Other) - apkpure.com


bro@local:\~/ig-apk$ **apktool d ig-196-apkpure.apk**
bro@local:~/ig-apk$ **apktool b --use-aapt2 -o out.apk ig-196-apkpure**
I: Using Apktool 2.5.1-eaab72-SNAPSHOT
I: Checking whether sources has changed...
I: Checking whether sources has changed...
I: Checking whether sources has changed...
I: Checking whether sources has changed...
I: Checking whether sources has changed...
I: Checking whether sources has changed...
I: Checking whether resources has changed...
I: Building resources...
W: /home/bro/ig-apk/ig-196-apkpure/res/values-v22/layouts.xml:12: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: /home/bro/ig-apk/ig-196-apkpure/res/values-v22/layouts.xml:13: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: /home/bro/ig-apk/ig-196-apkpure/res/values-v22/layouts.xml:14: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: /home/bro/ig-apk/ig-196-apkpure/res/values-v22/layouts.xml:15: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: /home/bro/ig-apk/ig-196-apkpure/res/values-v22/layouts.xml:16: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: /home/bro/ig-apk/ig-196-apkpure/res/values-v22/layouts.xml:17: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: /home/bro/ig-apk/ig-196-apkpure/res/values-v22/layouts.xml:18: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: /home/bro/ig-apk/ig-196-apkpure/res/values-v22/layouts.xml:19: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: /home/bro/ig-apk/ig-196-apkpure/res/values-v22/layouts.xml:20: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: /home/bro/ig-apk/ig-196-apkpure/res/values-v22/layouts.xml:21: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: /home/bro/ig-apk/ig-196-apkpure/res/values-v22/layouts.xml:22: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: /home/bro/ig-apk/ig-196-apkpure/res/values-v22/layouts.xml:23: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: /home/bro/ig-apk/ig-196-apkpure/res/values-v22/layouts.xml:24: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: /home/bro/ig-apk/ig-196-apkpure/res/values-v22/layouts.xml:25: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: /home/bro/ig-apk/ig-196-apkpure/res/values-v22/layouts.xml:26: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: /home/bro/ig-apk/ig-196-apkpure/res/values-v22/layouts.xml:27: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: /home/bro/ig-apk/ig-196-apkpure/res/values-v22/layouts.xml:28: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: /home/bro/ig-apk/ig-196-apkpure/res/values-v22/layouts.xml:29: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: /home/bro/ig-apk/ig-196-apkpure/res/values-v22/layouts.xml:30: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: /home/bro/ig-apk/ig-196-apkpure/res/values-v22/layouts.xml:31: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
brut.androlib.AndrolibException: brut.common.BrutException: could not exec (exit code = 1): [/tmp/brut_util_Jar_77580703989672702302554212405921978723.tmp, compile, --dir, /home/bro/ig-apk/ig-196-apkpure/res, --legacy, -o, /home/bro/ig-apk/ig-196-apkpure/build/resources.zip]

Sample of layouts.xml: ... <item type="layout" name="guide_grid_row">L|46188|5C4|BCF2</item> <item type="layout" name="guide_ufi_bar">L|4674C|F90|E5CC</item> <item type="layout" name="gumstick">L|476DC|A50|AC5A</item> ...

Steps to Reproduce

  1. apktool d ig-196-apkpure.apk
  2. apktool b --use-aapt2 -o out.apk ig-196-apkpure


If this APK is from an OEM ROM (Samsung, HTC, LG). Please attach framework files (.apks that live in /system/framework or /system/priv-app)


armeabi-v7a / Android 5.0+

Questions to ask before submission

  1. Have you tried apktool d, apktool b without changing anything? yes
  2. Are you using the latest apktool version? yes
iBotPeaches commented 2 years ago

I replicate. Logging some info to help for debugging this later.

➜  2618 aapt d resources Instagram_v196. --values | grep 'guide_grid_row'
      spec resource 0x7f0c04bc com.instagram.android:layout/guide_grid_row: flags=0x00000400
        resource 0x7f0c04bc com.instagram.android:layout/guide_grid_row: t=0x03 d=0x00002781 (s=0x0008 r=0x00)
        resource 0x7f0c04bc com.instagram.android:layout/guide_grid_row: t=0x03 d=0x00002174 (s=0x0008 r=0x00)
➜  Instagram_v196. grep -r -i 'guide_grid_row' *
Binary file build/resources.zip matches
res/values-v22/layouts.xml:    <item type="layout" name="guide_grid_row">L|46188|5C4|BCF2</item>
res/values/layouts.xml:    <item type="layout" name="guide_grid_row">L|2AE8F8|590|E594</item>
res/values/public.xml:    <public type="layout" name="guide_grid_row" id="0x7f0c04bc" />
TheLukaDragar commented 2 years ago

Can confirm having the same issue on M1 Mac and Windows. Recompiling the Instagram app.

tranb3r commented 2 years ago

Any update on this issue? Is there any workaround?

HD421 commented 2 years ago

Hey there, just had the same error and steps how I fixed it in my case:

  1. Run 'apktool empty-framework-dir' command before re-building an app
  2. Run apktool b -o out.apk ig-196-apkpure (it seems that issue was with --use-aapt2 flag in my case)
Splinterjke commented 1 year ago

it seems that issue was with --use-aapt2 flag

I do confirm, it fixed the latest whatsapp beta compilation errors.

qyzhaojinxi commented 1 year ago

not work for me

Canny1913 commented 6 months ago

from what ive found the file is decompiled correctly and those values are used to retrieve the layout resource from instagram's proprietary resource format (assets/layouts.bin.xz)

source: method(jadx) X.C1Mj.getLayout(int) and X.C24601Mp.A00() from instagram apk version 315. alpha (371500513)

the resource format seems to contain axml blocks too source: constructor(jadx) X.C1NA.C1NA(Resources, File)

iBotPeaches commented 2 months ago

I thought about this a bit. Clearly Instagram is doing some trickey here with storing references to their odd layouts.bin.xz file. aapt2 screams at this and crashes compilation.


We could easily patch out this check and see how the application reacts. It just seems dangerous for Apktool as this is a good build-time check that is only becoming a problem for apps like Instagram.

Nikvothe commented 2 months ago

@iBotPeaches Could this have been done on purpose to prevent people from reverse engineering their way out of their recent mandatory dialog box to accept being tracked for ads?

The unskippable dialog box has been driving me crazy for weeks so I spent these last few days learning about apktool and Smali, and of course now it blocks compilation at the end.

You know I don't care if instagram steals and sells all my data but I'm not giving consent. I think the resources to run this dialogBox get downloaded after logging in, and triggered in the second "onCreate" lifecycle of Instagram. Meaning the first time I log in on a clean Instagram install I'll be fine until I close the app.

Is there perhaps some other way to bypass this behaviour?

Any suggestions are highly appreciated.


GiorgosXou commented 2 months ago

I'm able to compile using --use-aapt1 but for some reason the momment I login the app crashes

GiorgosXou commented 2 months ago

First I tried to sign the original one (just to see if instagram plays any trickery) and worked just fine. Then I did the same for just the recompiled apk and (as mentioned above) althought I was able to open the app, the momment I logged-in it crashed... So I'm really skeptical as to if this is a problem with apktool itselft or instagram does some trickery there too.

78sven commented 1 month ago

Any updates on this bug? Has anyone found a workaround ?

nicelyjobs commented 1 month ago

i also got same error + 2 more (it's start on newest updated apk's only, on old apk version still works)

I: Building resources...
W: C:\apktool\mik\res\values-land\layouts.xml:3: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: C:\apktool\mik\res\values-land\layouts.xml:4: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: C:\apktool\mik\res\values-land\layouts.xml:5: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: C:\apktool\mik\res\values-land\layouts.xml:6: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: C:\apktool\mik\res\values-land\layouts.xml: error: file failed to compile.
W: C:\apktool\mik\res\values-ldrtl\layouts.xml:3: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: C:\apktool\mik\res\values-ldrtl\layouts.xml: error: file failed to compile.
W: C:\apktool\mik\res\values-night\mipmaps.xml:3: error: invalid value for type 'mipmap'. Expected a reference.
W: C:\apktool\mik\res\values-night\mipmaps.xml: error: file failed to compile.
W: C:\apktool\mik\res\values-sw600dp\layouts.xml:3: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: C:\apktool\mik\res\values-sw600dp\layouts.xml:4: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: C:\apktool\mik\res\values-sw600dp\layouts.xml: error: file failed to compile.
W: C:\apktool\mik\res\values-v26\layouts.xml:3: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: C:\apktool\mik\res\values-v26\layouts.xml:4: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: C:\apktool\mik\res\values-v26\layouts.xml: error: file failed to compile.
W: C:\apktool\mik\res\values-watch\layouts.xml:3: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: C:\apktool\mik\res\values-watch\layouts.xml:4: error: invalid value for type 'layout'. Expected a reference.
W: C:\apktool\mik\res\values-watch\layouts.xml: error: file failed to compile.
W: C:\apktool\mik\res\values\animators.xml:3: error: invalid value for type 'animator'. Expected a reference.
W: C:\apktool\mik\res\values\animators.xml:4: error: invalid value for type 'animator'. Expected a reference.
brut.androlib.exceptions.AndrolibException: brut.common.BrutException: could not exec (exit code = 1): [C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\brut_util_Jar_160069859907321700514368744111369315017.tmp, compile, --dir, C:\apktool\mik\res, --legacy, -o, C:\apktool\mik\build\resources.zip]
zhangxinguo1491625 commented 2 weeks ago

I would like to ask if this problem has been solved. I have also encountered