iChun / Sync

My entry for ModJam #3
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Add (configurable) item or fluid costs to shell constructor in addition to power #196

Open SteelGiant87 opened 6 years ago

SteelGiant87 commented 6 years ago

Shell constructors could have additional requirements (beyond the existing power requirement) to construct a shell.

Progress of shell construction would then be limited to the minimum of the percentage supplied for the three required resources (power, items, fluid and where if a resource has no requirements it counts as 100% satisfied).

The default requirements could be set to zero for both items and fluids, but it could add some interesting scope to gameplay if the shell constructor could be fueled by different resources.

This change would allow players and modpack creators to tune the shell constructor requirements to whatever their desired gameplay would be.

Examples: (each example a separate configuration, not multiple alternatives within a single game) Shells take a bucket of water, a stack of rotten flesh and their default power requirements Shells take no power requirements, but require EnderIO nutrient distillation

This would require the creation of new config options to specify the requirements for type and number of items and fluid:


Shell_Item_Type: "minecraft:rotten_flesh" Shell_Item_Amount: 64

Shell_Fluid_Type: "minecraft:water" Shell_Fluid_Amount: 1000

Is this a change that the developers would like to have in the pack?

YaibaToKen commented 6 years ago

Secunding this as it's something I'd love for my own modpacks