iChun / Sync

My entry for ModJam #3
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
58 stars 41 forks source link

Player revive, baubles and Sync death prevention and bauble destruction weirdnesses reference. Also, inventory dupes when syncing normally. #214

Closed Darkmega18 closed 5 years ago

Darkmega18 commented 5 years ago

Due to my referencing of using sync in the same pack and my testings, just a reference to that issue.

My friend mentioned in that referenced issue also said that she was resyncing between clones just normally and her inventory was getting duped. Probably something related to the keeping of persistent items across instead translating into everything being carried across. As I can make a clone and switch out and the clone I sync'd to will actually have all my items as if it was just a form of fanciful teleportation. Baubles and all carried over, however cause my friend was possibly making clones after she stored and resynced to a fresh clone made using the now duplicated gear the issue was just cascading because of the aforementioned syncing of full inventories.


Darkmega18 commented 5 years ago


I see this has already been covered. I may need a copy of that version only on curse so I can fix this issue in my modpack, Transcendence. since whatever is causing it, isn't only weapon levels, since I don't have it either. (But I do kinda like the keeping of the inventory across shells minus the duping.)

ichttt commented 5 years ago

So is the issue fixed now? If not, can you try to reproduce it with https://github.com/iChun/Sync/files/1890896/Sync-1.12.2-7.0.3BETA.zip

Darkmega18 commented 5 years ago

not sure if it was a sync issue at all. it was apparently remedied with a twilight forest dev build and was related to it logging and keeping things for charms of revival but it was acting up with the revive which would always trigger first cause of the being knocked down resulting in baubles being sent to limbo so to speak until you relogged where they'd get dropped unless they were replaced, thinking they had been destroyed. But twilight isn't updated yet with said fix properly so I can't start a new batch of science to see what happens with the issue fixed atleast from that side. :V

ichttt commented 5 years ago

Ok. I'm closing it for now then. If you think it is an issue with sync and it persists with a new twilight forest build feel free to reopen