iChun / Sync

My entry for ModJam #3
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
58 stars 41 forks source link

Shell inventory lost on storage destruction? #242

Open onegentig opened 1 year ago

onegentig commented 1 year ago

Game Version: 1.12.2 Mod Version: 4.2.4

My friends and I experimented with this mod a bit on our survival server and run into a couple issues - first off, upon destruction of a shell storage, which is actively holding a shell with a non-empty inventory, the items just disappeared. From these lines, I would assume it would dropAllItems in the inventory, but it didn't.

I took this as an unwanted or errorous behaviour,but clear and captureDrops toggling may mean this is intended behaviour (I am not MC mod developer) - if this is the case, take issue as a feature request.