iChun / Sync

My entry for ModJam #3
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
58 stars 41 forks source link

Items duplicating to clone #244

Open LittleTimmy52 opened 1 month ago

LittleTimmy52 commented 1 month ago

I have techguns the ather, cosmetic armor, travelers backpack, galacticraft, and baules, items in inventory slots from those mods copy with the clone (execpt for galacticraaft along with the hotbar and inventory, anyone know if theres a way like in a config or something to fix this? (Minecrat 1.12.2)

Additionally I have more mods, but the ones listed are the only ones i have that mess with the players inventory.

after some more tesing, the hotbar snd inventory, and cosmetic armor, and baubles seems to sync across all clones but the techguns and the ather inventory does not

after placing the backpack, they are seperate. also the ather items are seperate after i cleared my inventory and switched clones, switching back re copied the ather items

If asked i can provide the mod list but its like a lot of mods (312+)