iCrawlerRPG / iCrawlerRPG.github.io

An incremental dungeon crawler. Currently in Alpha v0.9.1
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New Upgrades Ideas #14

Open peterbrinck opened 8 years ago

peterbrinck commented 8 years ago

We need more and new upgrades! So please post all your upgrade suggestions here, instead of a separate issue

mattgiltaji commented 8 years ago

Switch damage spell used by Auto-shoot: It was great when it was just fireball, now that we have shadowball, it would be nice to either pick between the two (or whatever future damage spells get added) or have it pick the highest damage spell available.

Auto-debuff: We have automatic buffing, healing, and damage spells, why not automatically cast slow too?

Auto-aegis: With the recent balance changes, my fireballs and cures have gone from insane (100k+) damage/healing to more reasonable (under 1k) levels. Unfortunately this means that monsters at my current tower level are wiping the floor with me, and the auto-heal can't overcome the per-hit damage from the monsters. An auto-aegis panic button when you hit 20% HP would be nice.

Auto-transmute: Idling overnight with the autocasting spells has gotten me a ton of Arcania. I would love to be able to automatically cast transmute while resting. I would be fine with a "cast as long as you have Arcania left" or some sort of configurable "cast until you have X Arcania left."

Automatically use crystals: The "use all crystals" button is fantastic, but taking a step further would be an upgrade to automatically use any crystals as they are found so they never need to clutter the inventory.

Dual Wielding: This would allow you to equip multiple weapons, one in each hand.

ginhton commented 7 years ago
Owenm05 commented 2 years ago

A prestige/ skill tree system