iDevelopper / PBRevealViewController

A UIViewController subclass for revealing a left and/or right view controller above or below a main view controller.
MIT License
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Side in menu that comes over "front/main view along with tab bar " #30

Closed SubodhBQT closed 6 years ago

SubodhBQT commented 7 years ago

Hi Patric,

Can you make sample for side in menu that comes over "front/main view along with tab bar " with transparency ? It should be in objective c and storyboard with tab bar based application using PBRevealViewController library.


iDevelopper commented 7 years ago

I wrote this sample:

If you want some more features in this project (as push etc...), tell me.

SubodhBQT commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your support, You save my lot of time. I tested sample code and it is as per my requirement. Now i am going to integrate in my project. Definitely i will tell if anything more needed.

Thanks a lot Patric.

SubodhBQT commented 7 years ago

Hi Patric , One problem i am facing. I want to disable main view touch action if left or right side view open. I tried with this but not getting work.

if (self.revealViewController.isLeftViewOpen || self.revealViewController.isRightViewOpen)
    [self.revealViewController.mainViewController.view setUserInteractionEnabled:NO];
    [self.revealViewController.mainViewController.view setUserInteractionEnabled:YES];

Any suggestion.


iDevelopper commented 7 years ago


Adopt PBRevealViewControllerDelegate and use some delegate methods as willShowLeft or didShowLeft... and willHideRight or didHideRight:

example: PBRevealTabObj

#pragma mark - PBRevealViewController delegate

- (void)revealController:(PBRevealViewController *)revealController willShowLeftViewController:(UIViewController *)controller
    revealController.mainViewController.view.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
    revealController.mainViewController.view.alpha = 0.8;

- (void)revealController:(PBRevealViewController *)revealController willHideLeftViewController:(UIViewController *)controller
    revealController.mainViewController.view.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
    revealController.mainViewController.view.alpha = 1.0;

- (void)revealController:(PBRevealViewController *)revealController didShowRightViewController:(UIViewController *)controller
    revealController.mainViewController.view.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
    revealController.mainViewController.view.alpha = 0.8;

- (void)revealController:(PBRevealViewController *)revealController didHideRightViewController:(UIViewController *)controller
    revealController.mainViewController.view.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
    revealController.mainViewController.view.alpha = 1.0;
SubodhBQT commented 7 years ago

Can i restrict user for specific right and left dragging. In my app if user is in english language then right dragging not possible. Currently i tried with setting this self.revealViewController.rightViewRevealWidth = 0; . But some how it opening few portion of right view.

This was i achived using velocity using SWRevealviewcontroller.

screen shot 2017-08-01 at 3 08 27 pm

iDevelopper commented 7 years ago

Setting rightViewRevealWidth to 0.0 normally works. But you can achieve with this delegate method (example):

- (BOOL)revealControllerPanGestureShouldBegin:(PBRevealViewController *)revealController direction:(PBRevealControllerPanDirection)direction
    NSLocale *currentLocale = [NSLocale currentLocale];
    NSString *countryCode = [currentLocale objectForKey:NSLocaleCountryCode];

    if (direction == PBRevealControllerPanDirectionLeft && [countryCode isEqualToString:@"US"]) {
        return NO;
    return YES;
SubodhBQT commented 7 years ago

Thanks lot, finally i replaced SWReveal with PBReveal and achieved all featured that was implemented with SWReveal. I will give this library 5 star.

iDevelopper commented 7 years ago

Welcome, with pleasure! Don't hesitate if you have any questions. And if you can tell me what is the application on the store, I could have a look of your work and mine!

SubodhBQT commented 7 years ago

My app is under development for new version, so it is not released yet. I will let you know once pushed to store.


jaisan123 commented 6 years ago

@iDevelopper Can you please give sample code in swift 3 also with menu covering entire screen including top navigation bar and bottom tab bar?

i need the arrangement exactly like

but i need that side menu over the viewcontroller.please help @iDevelopper

iDevelopper commented 6 years ago

Can you upload a screenshot please?

jaisan123 commented 6 years ago

thanks for the response @iDevelopper . im attaching the design i want to achieve sidemenu 2

i want to show menu comes over top navigation and bottom Tabbar the sametime i want to show the bottom tabbar in all pages navigating from this sidemenu. (The side menu has viewcontrollers in bottom tapbar and also viewcontrollers not in tabbar.i want to show the bottam tab bar in every page)

The above one is exact item i want,but i want the menu come over the viewcontrollers.

iDevelopper commented 6 years ago

Ok for menu, no problem. If you want to present the others views and keep the tab bar items visibles I think you have to add the subview of the controller that is not part of tab bar controller to the active view.

iDevelopper commented 6 years ago

Revisited sample with PBRevealViewController. In the sample it is not a UITabBarController but a UITabBar in a container view controller. Because if you want to present views with tab bar items visibles you have to dehighlight them...

jaisan123 commented 6 years ago

@iDevelopper ,thanks a lotttt saved me.Great thanks to you.Love you.

jaisan123 commented 6 years ago

@iDevelopper ,im facing an issue ,how can i load the page, i mean the ContainerViewController in the above sample from appdelegate ?

iDevelopper commented 6 years ago

I don't understand the question. ContainerViewController is the main view controller of PBRevealViewController. Do you want to create the reveal controller programmatically from AppDelegate and not from storyboard?

jaisan123 commented 6 years ago

@iDevelopper sir.First of all thanks for your reply sir.Actually ContainerViewController is home page in my project.After login ,its loading this main viewController (ContainerViewController). Once successfully login,next time when opening the app,no need to show the login page know? so im storing a bool value in user defaults and checking if it is true in didFinishlaunching func in app delegate..

Im using this code with didFinishLaunchingWithOptions.

 let isLoggedIn = UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: "isLoggedIn")

        if isLoggedIn{

            loggedUserId = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: "userId") as! String

              let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
              let containerViewController = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "RevealViewController") as UIViewController

              self.window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
              self.window?.rootViewController = containerViewController


But it is giving crash all time. fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value. Please help

iDevelopper commented 6 years ago

The root view controller must be the reveal view controller not the container view controller.

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        // Override point for customization after application launch.

        let isLoggedIn = UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: "isLoggedIn")

        if isLoggedIn {
            loggedUserId = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: "userId") as! String

            let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
            let revealController = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "RevealViewController") as! PBRevealViewController

            self.window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
            self.window?.rootViewController = revealController
        return true

But I think it will be better to always load the Login view controller and perform the segue to reveal if the user is already logged in. And implement a Logout to come back in Login view controller.

jaisan123 commented 6 years ago

@iDevelopper ,thank you works

SubodhBQT commented 6 years ago

Hi Patric,

As you know i am using "PBRevealViewController" to use side menu in my app. Suddenly i came with one requirement. My main view has collection view that is scrollable left right. And my requirement is like if user drag side menu from divce edge where scrollable collection view. Currently no side menu appears due to scrollable collection view. Any work around for that.

Thanks Subodh

iDevelopper commented 6 years ago

You could use the panFromLeftBorderWidth property, for example set it to 50. The left side will open only if the user pan from less or equal than 50 points from the left border.

And you have to implement the delegate function:

    // MARK: - SWRevealViewController delegate

    func revealController(_ revealController: PBRevealViewController, panGestureRecognizerShouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer otherGestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer, direction: PBRevealControllerPanDirection) -> Bool
        return true