Open iDigBioBot opened 5 years ago
{ "institution": "Indiana University, Bloomington", "collection": "Indiana University Paleontology Collection", "recordsets": "", "recordsetQuery": "", "institution_code": "IUPC", "collection_code": "IUPC", "collection_uuid": "", "collection_lsid": "NA", "collection_url": "", "collection_catalog_url": "", "description": "Invertebrate paleontology and paleobotany, modern Australasian molluscs", "descriptionForSpecialists": "", "cataloguedSpecimens": 0, "knownToContainTypes": "Yes", "taxonCoverage": "Paleozoic reef organisms of the Midwest (brachiopods, crinoids, and bryozoans in particular), marine microfossils (diatoms, conodonts, and foraminifera in particular), insects, some Mazon Creek plants and (incoming) early angiosperms, modern Australasian molluscs (especially gastropods, including cowries)", "geographic_range": "Worldwide, but focused on the Lower Midwest", "collectionExtent": "", "contact": "Jess Miller-Camp", "contact_role": "Collection manager", "contact_email": "", "mailing_address": "UI Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences", "mailing_city": "Bloomington", "mailing_state": "", "mailing_zip": "47405", "physical_address": "1001 E 10th St", "physical_city": "Bloomington", "physical_state": "Indiana", "physical_zip": "47405", "lat": 0, "lon": 0 }
About this update: Jess Miller-Camp Adding a new entry
About this update: Jess Miller-Camp Adding a new entry