"institution": "University of Kansas, Biodiversity Institute and Natural History Museum, R. L. McGregor Herbarium",
"collection": "R.L. McGregor Herbarium",
"recordsets": "",
"recordsetQuery": "",
"institution_code": "KU",
"collection_code": "KANU<IH>",
"collection_uuid": "",
"collection_lsid": "NA",
"collection_url": "http://botany.biodiversity.ku.edu/botany",
"collection_catalog_url": "http://botany.biodiversity.ku.edu/collections-search",
"description": "Established in 1865, the R.L. McGregor Herbarium houses approximately 450,000 vascular plant, lichen, and macrofungus specimens. The majority of these comprise exsiccatae, but the collection also includes seed, boxed, and fluid-preserved specimens. ",
"descriptionForSpecialists": "",
"cataloguedSpecimens": 450000,
"knownToContainTypes": "Yes",
"taxonCoverage": "Families with especially strong taxonomic and geographic representation include Asteraceae, Cyperaceae, Fabaceae, Juncaceae, Lemnaceae, Plantaginaceae, and Poaceae.",
"geographic_range": "The collection is focused on the Central Grassland region of North America, with specimens from the Great Plains comprising approximately two-thirds of the collection. ",
"collectionExtent": "",
"contact": "Craig C. Freeman",
"contact_role": "Senior Curator",
"contact_email": "ccfree@ku.edu",
"mailing_address": "2045 Constant Ave",
"mailing_city": "Lawrence",
"mailing_state": "",
"mailing_zip": "66047",
"physical_address": "2045 Constant Ave",
"physical_city": "Lawrence",
"physical_state": "Kansas",
"physical_zip": "66047",
"lat": 38.947717,
"lon": -95.263005
About this update:
Craig C. Freeman
general updates about collection
About this update: Craig C. Freeman ccfree@ku.edu general updates about collection