"institution": "Auburn University Museum of Natural History",
"collection": "Entomology",
"recordsets": "",
"recordsetQuery": "",
"institution_code": "AUM",
"collection_code": "AUEM, AUMI",
"collection_uuid": "",
"collection_lsid": "NA",
"collection_url": "http://aumnh.org/research-collections/entomology/",
"collection_catalog_url": "http://ipt.idigbio.org/resource?r=aum-entomology",
"description": "The AUMNH Entomology Collection was historically the Auburn University Entomology Museum (AUEM). Our collection of roughly half a million specimens has its strengths in: Formicidae, Chrysomelidae, Orthoptera, Simuliidae, and Siphonaptera of Alabama; Tabanidae, Scale Insects, and Ceratopogonidae. The geographic scope of our holdings extend beyond the Southeastern United States and reflects research interests of previous and current curators and affiliated persons.",
"descriptionForSpecialists": "",
"cataloguedSpecimens": 200000,
"knownToContainTypes": "Yes",
"taxonCoverage": "Formicidae, Chrysomelidae, Orthoptera, Simuliidae, and Siphonaptera of Alabama; Tabanidae, Scale Insects, and Ceratopogonidae",
"geographic_range": "Mostly Southeastern United States, Central and South America",
"collectionExtent": "",
"contact": "Melissa Callahan",
"contact_role": "Collection Manager",
"contact_email": "insects@auburn.edu",
"mailing_address": "101 Rouse Life Sciences",
"mailing_city": "Auburn",
"mailing_state": "",
"mailing_zip": "36849",
"physical_address": "243 Biodiversity Learning Center",
"physical_city": "Auburn",
"physical_state": "AL",
"physical_zip": "36849",
"lat": 0,
"lon": 0
About this update:
Melissa Callahan
About this update: Melissa Callahan msc0042@auburn.edu