Closed iDigBioBot closed 4 years ago
{ "institution": "North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences", "collection": "Mammals", "recordsets": "", "recordsetQuery": "", "institution_code": "NCSM", "collection_code": "", "collection_uuid": "", "collection_lsid": "NA", "collection_url": "", "collection_catalog_url": "", "description": "", "descriptionForSpecialists": "", "cataloguedSpecimens": 0, "knownToContainTypes": "", "taxonCoverage": "", "geographic_range": "", "collectionExtent": "", "contact": "Michael V. Cove", "contact_role": "Research Curator, Mammalogy", "contact_email": "", "mailing_address": "11 West Jones St.", "mailing_city": "Raleigh", "mailing_state": "", "mailing_zip": "27601", "physical_address": "11 West Jones St.", "physical_city": "Raleigh", "physical_state": "North Carolina", "physical_zip": "27601", "lat": 0, "lon": 0 }
About this update: Michael Cove Ben Hess is no longer at the NCSM, so the contact needs to be updated
made the requested edits
About this update: Michael Cove Ben Hess is no longer at the NCSM, so the contact needs to be updated