"institution": "Scripps Institution of Oceanography",
"collection": "Benthic Invertebrate Collection",
"recordsets": "",
"recordsetQuery": "",
"institution_code": "SIO",
"collection_code": "BIC",
"collection_uuid": "",
"collection_lsid": "NA",
"collection_url": "https://scripps.ucsd.edu/benthic-invertebrate-collection",
"collection_catalog_url": "https://sioapps.ucsd.edu/collections/bi/",
"description": "The Scripps Institution of Oceanography Benthic Invertebrate Collection (SIO BIC) is a research repository housing 55,000+ lots, representing 800,000+ specimens and 7,600+ species from marine environments worldwide, with an emphasis on deep-sea environments, chemosynthetic ecosystems, Antarctica, and the eastern Pacific.",
"descriptionForSpecialists": "SIO-BIC contains more than 700 type lots and considerable material properly preserved for genomic studies (95% ethanol and ultracold storage). Multiple preparation types are often available for each lot (e.g., fluid voucher, ethanol subsample, dry material).",
"cataloguedSpecimens": 55000,
"knownToContainTypes": "Yes",
"taxonCoverage": "All major marine invertebrate groups are represented. Coverage includes primarily benthic taxa with some pelagic and benthopelagic representatives. Taxonomic strengths include mollusks, crustaceans, annelids, and echinoderms.",
"geographic_range": "Marine habitats worldwide, with emphasis on the eastern Pacific, Antarctica, and the deep sea (>1,000 m).\n",
"collectionExtent": "",
"contact": "Charlotte Seid",
"contact_role": "Collection Manager",
"contact_email": "cseid@ucsd.edu",
"mailing_address": "9500 Gilman Drive # 0244, University of California San Diego",
"mailing_city": "La Jolla",
"mailing_state": "",
"mailing_zip": "92093-0244",
"physical_address": "8675 Naga Lane",
"physical_city": "La Jolla",
"physical_state": "California",
"physical_zip": "92037",
"lat": 32.86535,
"lon": -117.25298
About this update:
Charlotte Seid
Hi, I am the collection manager. Our institution recently updated the collection's website and street address so I am including these changes here, as well as refreshed versions of our description and scope.
About this update: Charlotte Seid cseid@ucsd.edu Hi, I am the collection manager. Our institution recently updated the collection's website and street address so I am including these changes here, as well as refreshed versions of our description and scope.