iDigBio / idigbio-python-client

A python client for the idigbio v2 API
MIT License
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Media Downloader #10

Closed UnwashedMeme closed 7 years ago

UnwashedMeme commented 8 years ago

Request coming out of idigBio Summit VI is for a way to download large segments of media images for local review/processing.

Desired Workflow

Work to be done:

danstoner commented 7 years ago

Passing on additional clarification from user:

Happy Holidays! In working with a couple datasets from iDigBio, I've discovered that it would be helpful to be able to input a list of GUIDs and get out the images associated with them. This would be useful for when I need to code label data (e.g., date) that the data provider did not include in the dwc fields.

Just a thought from someone working with the data! Thanks, as always, for your work. ~Katie

danstoner commented 7 years ago

Given the amount of user-preference built into the workflow of downloading media, it did not feel right to me to try to put that functionality into the core client itself.

I implemented this requested feature by writing scripts and documentation in examples/fetch_media. can do most of the above.

released in v0.8.4. bf4a3670273425401feee7160c51aafa376e6f69
