iEvgeny / cctv-viewer

CCTV Viewer - viewer and mounter video streams.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[REQ] Image/text overlays #57

Open MarcoRavich opened 1 year ago

MarcoRavich commented 1 year ago

Hi there, as already asked here it would be useful to implement stream labeling and if can help - since your software relays on ffmpeg too, we found this nice script by @apple-fritter that may help:

And what about overlay images too ? This would be extremely useful for those who needs, for example, safety areas like this:

Hope that inspires !

iEvgeny commented 1 year ago

Hi! It is planned to implement HTML subset layers that can be rendered on top of the current stream. This will allow to place any information, which in addition can be received from the remote host. However, for the starters, the plan is to implement hardware decoding acceleration and some refactoring of the application kernel.

apple-fritter commented 1 year ago

That is an interesting suggestion @forart, Tell me more.

MarcoRavich commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reply @apple-fritter !

Well, our non-profit organization choosed cctv-viewer (which guarantees the best latencies) to preview PTZ cams' shots in live shows that we stream, so it would be useful for operators to have overlayed so-called "Safe Zones"/center reference (check out the top-left Preview screen on Atem switchers):

Since this usage is outside the scope of @iEvgeny's project, we can't ask him to implement it as we'd need, but we believe that a text/image overlay feature would be useful for all users.

Last but not least, we're collecting/doxing/sorting all RTSP-viewers related gits (yours too, of course) we found hoping that could stimulate collaboration between their devs. [ dirty-draft here ]

Hope that inspires !

apple-fritter commented 1 year ago

I appreciate being included in this discussion, @forart . I'll take a look at what solutions I can come up with!

MarcoRavich commented 1 year ago


Here's an ffplay commandline written by (driven) ChatGPT that draws "resolution-aware" EBU safe areas and a simple viewfinder:

ffplay -vf "drawgrid=x=(iw/2):(ih/2):t=3:color=yellow@0.5, drawbox=x=(iw-(iw*0.675))/2:y=(ih-ih)/2:w=iw*0.675:h=ih:color=black@0.3:t=fill, drawbox=x=(iw-iw*0.95)/2:y=(ih-ih*0.95)/2:w=iw*0.95:h=ih*0.95:color=red@1, drawbox=x=(iw-iw*0.965)/2:y=(ih-ih*0.965)/2:w=iw*0.965:h=ih*0.965:color=green@1" filename.ext

Hope that inspires.

MarcoRavich commented 11 months ago


Here's what (a ChatGPT-based git analyzer/modifyer) suggest to add such "ffmpeg viewfinder" in cctv:

To overlay a viewfinder in the ievgeny/cctv-viewer project, you would need to modify the QML files that handle video rendering. The primary file for this is src/Player.qml.

However, the current QML and C++ codebase does not support FFmpeg video filters, which you're trying to use. FFmpeg filters like drawgrid, drawbox etc., are not directly usable in QML or C++ without a supporting backend.

To achieve this, you would need to extend the backend (which is based on Qt Multimedia) to support FFmpeg filters. This would involve writing C++ code to interface with the FFmpeg library, apply the filters to the video frames, and then display the filtered frames.

This is a non-trivial task and would require a good understanding of both the FFmpeg library and the Qt Multimedia framework. If you're not familiar with these, you might want to consider hiring a developer who is.

Here's a rough outline of the steps you would need to take:

  1. Write a C++ class that uses the FFmpeg library to apply filters to video frames. This class should take raw video frames as input, apply the desired FFmpeg filters, and output the filtered frames.
  2. Modify the Player.qml file to use this new class for video rendering. You would need to expose your new C++ class to QML, probably by registering it as a new QML type.
  3. Update the QML code to create an instance of your new class, pass the video frames to it, and display the filtered frames.

Please note that this is a high-level outline and the actual implementation could be quite complex, depending on the specifics of your project and the FFmpeg filters you want to use.

And, asking 'Are you able to modify the code to draw an overlayed cross on the center of each video displayed by cctv ?' the output is:

To overlay a cross on the center of each video displayed by the CCTV viewer, you can modify the Player.qml file. You can add a Canvas item to draw the cross. Here's an example of how you might do this:

VideoOutput {
id: videoOutput
source: qmlAvPlayer
anchors.fill: parent

Canvas { id: crossCanvas anchors.fill: parent renderTarget: Canvas.FramebufferObject contextType: "2d"

onPaint: {
    var ctx = getContext("2d");
    ctx.strokeStyle = "red";
    ctx.lineWidth = 2;

    // Draw vertical line
    ctx.moveTo(width / 2, 0);
    ctx.lineTo(width / 2, height);

    // Draw horizontal line
    ctx.moveTo(0, height / 2);
    ctx.lineTo(width, height / 2);


> In this example, the Canvas item is a child of the Rectangle that also contains the VideoOutput. This means it will be drawn on top of the video. The onPaint function is called whenever the canvas needs to be redrawn, and it draws a red cross on the canvas.
> Please note that this is a simple example and might not cover all your needs. Depending on your requirements, you might need to create a more complex overlay, handle interactions with the overlay, or dynamically change the overlay based on the video content. These would require more advanced QML and possibly integrating with C++ code as well.

...does @iEvgeny agree with it ?
iEvgeny commented 11 months ago

Only QML is sufficient to implement an overlay. It is not difficult. It is more difficult to implement a quality UI for this functionality. You can think about it, if you wish. However, it should not be a viewfinder-specific feature.

MarcoRavich commented 11 months ago

Well, I don't know if it's a good idea to embed a QML drawing tool in cctv-viewer, however I would avoid "reinvent the wheel"... could "grab" inspiration from:

Last but not least, I would suggest you to consider @eralban's Custom QML Video Player approach wich overlay controls on top of video content too.

Hope that inspires !

MarcoRavich commented 10 months ago

Just found this very interesting (PySide/PyQT/QML/Python/Qt) overlay camera controls GUI by @makerinchina-iot:



iEvgeny commented 10 months ago

Refactoring the viewport layout engine and overlays is a priority. I hope for some result by the end of this year.

MarcoRavich commented 10 months ago


May more resources (such as the above one) help ?

iEvgeny commented 10 months ago

I basically already have a finished idea of what it should look like. I just need to find the time.

MarcoRavich commented 10 months ago

I basically already have a finished idea of what it should look like. I just need to find the time.

Cool, we'll have to just wait then.