iFargle / headscale-webui

A simple Headscale web UI for small-scale deployments.
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[bug] 0.7.1 can't reach HS_SERVER, but 0.6.1 can #94

Closed 1itt1eB0y closed 1 year ago

1itt1eB0y commented 1 year ago
    image: ifargle/headscale-webui:v0.6.1
    container_name: headscale-webui
    network_mode: bridge
      - TZ=Asia/Shanghai
      - COLOR=red                              # Use the base colors (ie, no darken-3, etc) -
      - HS_SERVER=https://mydomain.com:8080/    # Reachable endpoint for your Headscale serv
      - DOMAIN_NAME=http://myip:5000  # The base domain name for this container.
      - SCRIPT_NAME=/admin                     # This is your applications base path (wsgi requires the name "SCRIPT_NAME").  Remove if you are hosing at the root /
      - KEY="mykey"             # Generate with "openssl rand -base64 32" - used to encrypt your key on disk.
      - LOG_LEVEL=debug                         # Log level.  "DEBUG", "ERROR", "WARNING", or "INFO".  Default "INFO"

      - ./webui-data:/data                         # Headscale-WebUI's storage.  Make sure ./volume is readable by UID 1000 (chown 1000:1000 ./volume)
      - ./config/:/etc/headscale/:ro # Headscale's config storage location.  Used to read your Headscale config.

0.7.1 will throw an error: Headscale server API is unreachable 图片

with same configuration, 0.6.1 can run properly 图片

iFargle commented 1 year ago

Known issue. Please use 0.6.1 for now :) As soon as I have time I'll try and fix this. Sorry about that!

iFargle commented 1 year ago

I've rolled back 0.7.1. Latest is now 0.6.1 -- A fresh image will be available in about an hour.