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https://notes.jim-nielsen.com/feed.xml #8

Open iFurySt opened 2 weeks ago

iFurySt commented 2 weeks ago

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github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

the correct approach seems to be
You have to constantly remind people to like and subscribe, to support, to contribute, and to share.


- [webmentions make me sad](https://alexsirac.com/webmentions-make-me-sad/) - Mon, 29 Apr 2024 15:04:00 GMT

Sometimes, all I want is to comment on someone’s post to say « lol » or « nice thanks for sharing » or « saaame! » and that’s not something that warrants a whole blog post and entry in my RSS feed. No, I don’t want to email you or send you a webmention to say « hehe this was funny ». Some things are funny, but not « share on my platform » funny...I feel a lack of connection on the indieweb and it sometimes makes me sad.

This is part of why I enjoyed Twitter — and it's a big part of what I still enjoy Mastodon. I want a place for fun, ephemeral conversation. Stuff that doesn’t merit a blog post. And I don’t want to manage, host, or archive that conversation. If it disappears tomorrow, that’s fine. I’ll find a new place for ephemeral conversation. 🔗

- [A retrospective on a year without streaming music](https://feedpress.me/link/23795/16645884/a-retrospective-on-a-year-without-streaming-music) - Mon, 29 Apr 2024 15:01:00 GMT

This is me. 95% of my music listening still favors listening to full albums.

My wife made the comment that I'm one of the few people that still listens to albums and I think there's a lot to be said for respecting the artist's intent and effort that went into sequencing the release.

Come to think of it, AI is a playlist but of words. Everything out of context, mashed together. 🔗

- [The biggest threat facing your team, whether you’re a game developer or a tech founder or a CEO, is not what you think](https://docseuss.medium.com/the-biggest-threat-facing-your-team-whether-youre-a-game-developer-or-a-tech-founder-or-a-ceo-is-8cd1ad359508) - Wed, 17 Apr 2024 16:13:00 GMT

At no point are these men actually providing leadership. They’re just in the leader class

Kind of an interesting distinction: there are leaders who provide leadership, and there are leaders who are in the leadership class but do nothing of the sort. Also, I loved this anecdote from somebody who works in the film industry:

“You get [executive] producers that say, ‘I want to be involved in the artistic process,’ and you’re like—I don’t ask to look at your spreadsheets, man.”

People are like fields: you gotta intentionally let them lie empty producing absolutely nothing for a little while:

You see, one of the most important things, which is true of both plants and people, is that you’ve got to let them lie fallow for a while. A field cannot support the same crop forever. You must intentionally let the field lie empty, producing nothing
 People are the exact same way.


- [Move at the speed of trust](https://aworkinglibrary.com/writing/move-at-the-speed-of-trust) - Mon, 15 Apr 2024 14:24:00 GMT

whenever attempting any effort with other people, prioritize building trust and respect for each other over and above any other goal. The trust forms the foundation from which the work can grow.

This looks great. I may just need to get this book.

if we want to build cultures where productive disagreement can happen
we have to first establish and nurture that trust and respect. Otherwise we’ll be too busy being right to get around to learning something new.


- [The Node.js Documentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LB8KwiiUGy0&t=2769s) - Mon, 15 Apr 2024 14:22:00 GMT

That’s the thing that’s interesting about open source. Instability and chaos make it stronger. On the other hand, that instability is really dangerous for companies that are trying to extract value because it becomes very slippery and brittle.

Big company: why are you rocking the boat? Community: we don't mind rocking the boat because we’re not a giant ocean liner. A big company is like a giant ship that has to start making its turn a mile before the actual turn itself. Whereas the community is comprised of thousands of small, distributed boats that can make (in contrast) hairpin turns. 🔗

- [Toot from Paul Cantrell](https://hachyderm.io/@inthehands/110040662990948941) - Mon, 15 Apr 2024 14:20:00 GMT

Any experienced programmer worth their salt will tell you that producing code — learning syntax, finding examples, combining them, adding behaviors, adding complexity — is the easy part of programming. The hard part: “How can it break? How will it surprise us? How will it change? Does it really accomplish our goal? What is our goal? Are we all even imagining the same goal? Do we understand each other? Will the next person to work on this understand it? Should we even build this?”

Spot on. “Do we even collectively understand each other and what we’re doing?” That’s a hard one. It’s hard enough for the people building the software to figure that out together, let alone the people building it and the people using it to figure it out together. 🔗

- [The native app install experience](https://daverupert.com/2024/04/download-our-native-app/) - Wed, 10 Apr 2024 22:13:00 GMT

I’d even bet $5 that the [MSNBC] “native app” is actually a bunch of web views in a trench coat.

This is my new fav saying: So many "native apps" are just web views in a trenchcoat. 🔗

- [40 things I have learned being a creative entrepreneur](https://newsletters.feedbinusercontent.com/d30/d309efabf68f687a402b02436fd3819d2815b960.html) - Mon, 08 Apr 2024 17:14:00 GMT

To celebrate his 40th birthday, Michael Flarup put together a list of 40 things he’s learned. A lot resonated with my own experience and reflects the same kind of advice I would give. Just a few:

Stop chasing perfect. Go for good and iterate

Try not to please everyone with the things you make. It’s your work. Make it reflect your taste.

Creative work doesn’t follow a straight line from not-good to good.

You become what you work on. The world has a tendency to feed you more of what you put into it, so make sure it’s something you like.

Showing up everyday and moving the ball, even just a little, almost always wins out over bursts of burning the midnight oil.

Find your sources of energy and wield them as tools.


- [Stop Wrestling With Giants](https://aboard.com/podcast/stop-wrestling-with-giants/) - Sun, 07 Apr 2024 00:15:00 GMT

Paul Ford, as ever, has the right words:

logging into anything with Adobe is essentially a statement on how little they care about human beings.


if you talk to a designer... about [Adobe] one of the first things they’ll say to you is like, “I don’t even understand Photoshop anymore.” It’s like their girlfriend is now a scientologist.


- [Margin considered harmful](https://mxstbr.com/thoughts/margin/) - Tue, 02 Apr 2024 17:15:00 GMT

Max on why we should ban margins at the component level:

Margin conflicts with how designers think. Designers think about space in relation and context. They define how far a component should be from another component in a specific instance. By banning margin from all components you have to build more reusable and encapsulated components.

Makes sense to me. It’s all about relationships between things. As Matisse said, “I don’t paint things. I paint the difference between things.” 🔗

- [Why we prefer computers over consoles when introducing kids to gaming](https://www.bryanbraun.com/2024/03/08/why-we-prefer-computers-over-consoles-when-introducing-kids-to-gaming/) - Tue, 02 Apr 2024 17:09:00 GMT

A computer is a general-purpose device that happens to run games. It’s that general-purpose-ness that expands what’s possible, and that’s something I value a lot.

Lot of good stuff in here about consoles vs. computers for gaming that can be generalized to interfacing with computers. Also loves this comparison: consoles are akin to walled gardens, computers are like the web.

Similar to smartphones, gaming consoles are polished, user-friendly, walled gardens that guide you down a pre-destined path. Gaming on computers are more like “the web.” Open. Expansive. Chaotic.


- [How I Do Code Review](https://www.dannyguo.com/blog/how-i-do-code-review) - Mon, 01 Apr 2024 05:22:00 GMT

Code review goes deeper than just checking a pull request for mistakes. It’s an important aspect of doing software engineering as a team

This was a well-written articulation of the value of code reviews beyond the veneer of code “quality assurance”. Some of my favorite parts about code reviews come from 1) what I teach myself in preparing them, and 2) what I learn from others who do them.

Code review gives the reviewer a chance to share knowledge with the author.


- [Growth is a mind cancer](https://manuelmoreale.com/@/page/tWA2annWlQaAVnYd) - Wed, 27 Mar 2024 05:00:00 GMT

it's our fault. Our as a society. We celebrate when Apple becomes the first trillion-dollar company but we don't celebrate when someone says "You know what? I think I have enough".

If you’re the richest company in the world and you can have anything, what’s the one thing you want? More. 🔗

- [One endless meeting](https://robinrendle.com/notes/one-endless-meeting/) - Tue, 26 Mar 2024 02:29:00 GMT

Decision making is what slows down most teams. The endless slide decks, the pitch to leadership, the lack of trust in what they’re building. They’ll go round and round in big circles trying to convince everyone in the entire company that this is the right thing to do.

Yup. Been there

the hard work should never be the bureaucracy

Nailed it 🔗

- [Write CSS. Not too much. Mostly scoped.](https://www.leereamsnyder.com/write-css-not-too-much-mostly-scoped) - Fri, 22 Mar 2024 16:32:00 GMT

A lot of this vibes with my experience.

The way Tailwind actively pushes against making hasty abstractions is — really — the smartest thing about it. In my experience, when you’re building something new you’re better off making something functional quickly and worrying about code elegance and deduplication and abstractions later, when you’re hopefully still in business. With a little practice, in a Tailwind project it’s relatively easy to get into a just-building-the-thing flow state. I get to shove the part of me that frets about good naming and specificity and leaking styles and efficient reuse into a drawer for a bit. It’s kinda nice.

As with anything, it’s tradeoffs all the way down.

First, Tailwind’s build tooling lets you define new classes on the fly in HTML. This can be relatively harmless like defining a one-off margin length. Or it could be like above with, sm:py-[calc(theme(spacing[1.5])-1px)] where you’re involving media queries, accessing Tailwind’s theme values, then doing math to make a one-off length and OK now admit we’re just writing CSS but doing so very awkwardly

That’s the point I often get to when using Tailwind. “Ok, can we just admit to ourselves we’re just writing CSS now, but awkwardly?” Via Eric’s newsletter. 🔗

- [How do you verify that?](https://daverupert.com/2024/03/lies-damned-lies-and-stochastics/) - Fri, 22 Mar 2024 16:29:00 GMT

Have to constantly remind myself of this too:

the goal of a book isn’t to get to the last page, it’s to expand your thinking.

And not just with books. Any form of content consumption (or experience, for that matter). 🔗

- [Digital Communications Design in the Second Computer Revolution](https://x.com/lalizlabeth/status/1770511460914905243?s=20) - Fri, 22 Mar 2024 16:27:00 GMT

As quoted in a tweet, this is Katherine McCoy’s introduction in Digital Communications Design in the Second Computer Revolution by Stephanie Redman. Written in 1998, it’s a perfect description of what it means to be a web “designer”:

This environment requires a much different visual design strategy than that of the traditional perfectionist designer. What are the implications for graphic designers trained in the modernist traditions of clarity, formal refinement and professional control? We can no longer think of our work as the production of as precious perfect artifacts, discrete objects, fixed in their materiality. The designer is no longer the sole author, realizing one's own singular vision. This forces a reordering of our design intentions. The designer is an initiator, but not a finisher, more like a composer, choreographer or set designer for each audience member's improvisational dance in a digital communications environment.

Or maybe even a director like in film. 🔗

- [Artists Sell Themselves So Cheap](https://colleendoran.substack.com/p/artists-sell-themselves-so-cheap) - Mon, 18 Mar 2024 20:27:00 GMT

The exploiter simply hears music, sees the reaction the music has on other people, may have no real idea why that music is good, but they try to mimic the circumstance that created the value from the music.

The exploiter simply sees the web, sees the reaction the web has on other people, may have no real idea why a website is good, but they try to mimic the circumstance that created value from the website. 🔗

- [Demolishing the Global Town Square](https://aboard.com/podcast/demolishing-the-global-town-square/) - Thu, 07 Mar 2024 15:00:00 GMT

Paul Ford commenting on the “marketplace of ideas” and the “global town square”:

you think that you’re delivering ideas, debate, and philosophical exchange. You are not...What you are delivering, always, is validation. You can’t escape this when you are making content. People consume the content, seeking validation in context. No one organically seeks out conflict and pressure against their carefully constructed belief system.

We thought we were getting a global space to discuss ideas, allowing the best ones to rise to the top for everyone’s benefit. What we got was the exact opposite: a global space where nothing can be discussed.

it’s bizarre that we thought that this could be the global town square, because it’s actually the opposite. It’s a system for keeping ideas out of the commons because it’s too intense and too emotional. And so what you end up with is everybody having conversations in the group chat back along their ideological lines [and pointing to stuff out in the global space] and going, “that’s a nightmare”.


github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

To be creative, you gotta feel like you're getting away with something.

I like that. I'm gonna ask myself that on personal projects: “What aspect of this makes me feel like I'm getting way with something?” That's fun. 🔗

- [My approach to HTML web components](https://adactio.com/journal/21078) - Tue, 07 May 2024 14:30:00 GMT

You can use any attributes you want on a web component
I’m a little nervous about this. What if HTML ends up with a new global attribute in the future that clashes with something I’ve invented? It’s unlikely but it still makes me wary. So I use data- attributes
[and] the browser gives me automatic reflection of the value in the dataset property.

Wait, what? Why am I not doing this?

Instead of getting a value with this.getAttribute('maximum') I get to use this.dataset.maximum. Nice and neat.

Smart. 🔗

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

I want those words to preface everything I publish. 🔗

- [It's 2023, here is why your web design sucks.](https://heather-buchel.com/blog/2023/10/why-your-web-design-sucks/) - Thu, 09 May 2024 04:03:00 GMT

Include design earlier. Include engineering earlier. The split is the failure.

I often feel like I'm ping ponging between these two scenarios:

"We would have caught this sooner if engineering was more involved in the design process". "We would have designed this differently if we knew engineering couldn't handle it"

At what point do we stop and realize that we are setting our teams up for failure?

Also this on looking for a job:

Am I going to find a place that will allow me to actually utilize all of this web design knowledge I have? Or, am I going to just be a JS engineer who spends most of my time configuring pipelines or doing ops work? I would say that most larger organizations favor the latter and live with the gaps in design.

That feels true to me. Orgs favor folks at the back-of-the-frontend and live with the gaps that result from that choice, hoping that when it comes to the front-of-the-frontend they’ll “figure it out as they go”. 🔗

github-actions[bot] commented 1 day ago

That’s me. I don’t go where I planned, because I didn’t plan anywhere, but I do get somewhere.

I like to talk about intentions rather than goals. An intention, as I’m using it here, is a kind of bending of the self towards something, a commitment not to a specific path but to a scope of attention or way of being...Instead of something you might achieve, it becomes something you do; instead of someone you could be, it becomes someone you are.

As a non-goal oriented person, I approve of this message. 🔗

- [Google’s broken link to the web](https://www.platformer.news/google-io-ai-search-sundar-pichai/) - Fri, 17 May 2024 17:18:00 GMT

a company that once proudly served as an entry point to a web that it nourished with traffic and advertising revenue has begun to abstract that all away into an input for its large language models. This new approach is captured elegantly in a slogan that appeared several times during Tuesday’s keynote: let Google do the Googling for you. It’s a phrase that identifies browsing the web — a task once considered entertaining enough that it was given the nickname “surfing” — as a chore, something better left to a bot.

This is what I said: when did surfing become doomscrolling?

Whatever labor funded the production of knowledge that it refers to goes unmentioned, and whatever sources it relies on go uncredited.

Google at last has what it needs to finish the job: replacing the web, in so many of the ways that matter, with itself.

It’s kinda wild when you think about it. Google’s search engine now has an option to search the “web”, which is not the default anymore, and that kind of leaves you wondering: what am I even searching anymore? 🔗