iGoodie / TwitchSpawn

👾 TwitchSpawn is a Minecraft mod, which is designed for Twitch streamers using 3rd party streaming tools! (comes with its own language!)
Eclipse Public License 1.0
53 stars 26 forks source link

Events not firing properly #52

Open Xogue opened 3 years ago

Xogue commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug It seems the twitch sub gift is not triggering (the subscription event does lower in the file instead). and the "twitch raid" event is not firing on actual raids (I think this is because the event actually uses ${amount} to carry the raider count and not ${raiders} as it says in the documentation. testing that now. I also could just be dumb

Version (please complete the following information):

Additional context Maybe I am just blind or not seeing something, If that is true, sorry. I love the mod though! :P

My File Contents ``# Xogue's Ruleset

BOTH INSTANTLY SUMMON skeleton ~ ~ ~ %{HandItems:[{Count:1,id:bow,tag:{Enchantments:[{id:punch,lvl:5}]}},{}],CustomName:"\"Back OFF!\"",ActiveEffects:[{Id:25,Amplifier:0,Duration:25}]}% AND EXECUTE %/effect give Xogue minecraft:levitation 10% ON Twitch Subscription Gift

BOTH EXECUTE %/give Xogue minecraft:stick{display:{Name:'{"text":"Yeet!"}'},Enchantments:[{id:knockback,lvl:20}]}% AND EITHER CHANCE 24 PERCENT SUMMON zombie DISPLAYING %[ {text:"${actor} wants you to YEET the Zombie!"} ]% OR CHANCE 24 PERCENT SUMMON skeleton DISPLAYING %[ {text:"${actor} wants you to YEET the Skeleton!"} ]% OR CHANCE 24 PERCENT SUMMON silverfish DISPLAYING %[ {text:"${actor} wants you to YEET the Silverfish!"} ]% OR CHANCE 24 PERCENT SUMMON cow DISPLAYING %[ {text:"${actor} wants you to YEET the Cow!"} ]% OR CHANCE 4 PERCENT SUMMON enderman DISPLAYING %[ {text:"${actor} wants you to YEET the Enderman!"} ]% ON Twitch Follow

FOR 3 TIMES EXECUTE %/summon zombie ~ ~1 ~ {HandItems:[{Count:1,id:potato,tag:{display:{Name:"\"YEET Potato\""},Enchantments:[{id:knockback,lvl:200}]}},{}],CustomName:"\"Get Rekt!\"",CustomNameVisible:1}% ON Donation WITH amount >= 5

EXECUTE %/summon zombie ~ ~1 ~ {HandItems:[{Count:1,id:potato,tag:{display:{Name:"\"YEET Potato\""},Enchantments:[{id:knockback,lvl:200}]}},{}],CustomName:"\"Get Rekt!\"",CustomNameVisible:1}% ON Donation WITH amount >= 1

FOR 3 TIMES EXECUTE %/summon zombie ~ ~1 ~ {HandItems:[{Count:1,id:carrot,tag:{display:{Name:"\"YEET Carrot\""},Enchantments:[{id:knockback,lvl:200}]}},{}],CustomName:"\"Get Rekt!\"",CustomNameVisible:1}% ON Twitch Bits WITH amount >= 500

EXECUTE %/summon zombie ~ ~1 ~ {HandItems:[{Count:1,id:carrot,tag:{display:{Name:"\"YEET Carrot\""},Enchantments:[{id:knockback,lvl:200}]}},{}],CustomName:"\"Get Rekt!\"",CustomNameVisible:1}% ON Twitch Bits WITH amount IN RANGE [100,499]

FOR ${amount} TIMES SUMMON chicken ~ ~ ~ %{Passengers:[{id:husk,IsBaby:1,HandItems:[{Count:1,id:carrot,tag:{Enchantments:[{id:knockback,lvl:20}]}},{Count:1,id:potato}],CustomName:"\"Mini YEET!\"",CustomNameVisible:1}]}% ON Twitch Subscription

FOR ${amount} TIMES BOTH EITHER SUMMON firework_rocket ~3 ~3 ~3 %{LifeTime:20,FireworksItem:{id:firework_rocket,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Flight:1,Explosions:[{Type:0,Flicker:0,Trail:0,Colors:[I;11743532],FadeColors:[I;3887386]}]}}}}% OR SUMMON firework_rocket ~-3 ~3 ~-3 %{LifeTime:20,FireworksItem:{id:firework_rocket,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Flight:1,Explosions:[{Type:1,Flicker:0,Trail:0,Colors:[I;11743532,14188952,12801229],FadeColors:[I;3887386,6719955,15790320]}]}}}}% OR SUMMON firework_rocket ~3 ~3 ~-3 %{LifeTime:20,FireworksItem:{id:firework_rocket,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Flight:1,Explosions:[{Type:2,Flicker:0,Trail:0,Colors:[I;5320730,2651799,14602026,12801229],FadeColors:[I;2437522,8073150,2651799,4408131]}]}}}}% OR SUMMON firework_rocket ~-3 ~3 ~3 % {LifeTime:20,FireworksItem:{id:firework_rocket,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Flight:1,Explosions:[{Type:3,Flicker:0,Trail:0,Colors:[I;1973019,3887386,14602026,6719955,15790320],FadeColors:[I;3887386,2651799,4312372,12801229,15790320]}]}}}}% OR SUMMON firework_rocket ~4 ~3 ~-4 %{LifeTime:20,FireworksItem:{id:firework_rocket,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Flight:1,Explosions:[{Type:4,Flicker:0,Trail:0,Colors:[I;11743532,14188952,4312372,14602026,15435844],FadeColors:[I;11743532,2437522,2651799,4408131,14188952]}]}}}}% OR SUMMON firework_rocket ~-4 ~3 ~4 %{LifeTime:20,FireworksItem:{id:firework_rocket,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Flight:1,Explosions:[{Type:2,Flicker:0,Trail:0,Colors:[I;1973019,3887386,14188952,14602026,6719955,15435844],FadeColors:[I;11743532,5320730,2437522,2651799,14602026,15435844]}]}}}}% AND WAIT 200 milliseconds ON Twitch Raid ``

Xogue commented 3 years ago

lol, tried to put it in a code block, but that seems to not be working I guess? idk.. there are indents in the actual file, which I can give you if you want, but they wouldnt let me upload the file into this post.