iJackUA / try-yii2

Try Yii2 with Vagrant VM + Ansible provisioning = Complete readymade virtual server playground
MIT License
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Closed sim2github closed 10 years ago

sim2github commented 10 years ago
sim2github commented 10 years ago

BTW: nice to mention about editing hosts file yii2.local admin.yii2.local phpmyadmin.yii2.local adminer.yii2.local
iJackUA commented 10 years ago

Thanks @sim2github Fixed vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater vagrant-vbguest vagrant-cachier and vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cpus", "1" ]. And added some note about hosts file "in case if vagrant-hostsupdater failed".

But as for 33 subnet I have some doubts, mostly people do not have very complex network configurations and it will work for them. In case like yours - user is advanced enough to handle this collision on his own. But I will talk with sysadmins for deeper understanding of this question.

sim2github commented 10 years ago

P.S.: Mostly people using 192.168.. configuration, so only 1 of 254 chance to have problem with creation virtual adapter with IP It is not critical, but i have one. Any way route to VM be shortest: localhost->Virtual Adapter(>Virtual Machine( So changes to config.vm.network "private_network", ip: "" and 'allowedIPs' => ['', '::1', ''] in configs works fine to me.