iKrishneel / ros_cv_pkg

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how to launch perception #17

Closed chiwunau closed 9 years ago

chiwunau commented 9 years ago

roslaunch point_cloud_scene_decomposer scene_decomposer_view.launch roslaunch point_cloud_scene_decomposer point_cloud_scene_decomposer.launch

chiwunau commented 9 years ago

what parameter do I need to change in rqt_reconfigure?

iKrishneel commented 9 years ago

In pcl_filter_utils option just set the max distance. by default it is set to 2m which is ok but maybe 1.5 is better to remove unnecessary point clouds.

chiwunau commented 9 years ago

Sometimes, the plane detection result show the plane normal go upward, and boxes on the table are filtered out.

any things you can do with this?

chiwunau commented 9 years ago

I got this error when a stop the launch and relaunch it

roslaunch point_cloud_scene_decomposer point_cloud_scene_decomposer.launch
... logging to /home/au/.ros/log/8a548d7a-1efa-11e5-99b7-001517ebc305/roslaunch-au-ThinkPad-T440p-10318.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server


 * /rosdistro
 * /rosversion

    cluster_voxels (point_cloud_scene_decomposer/cluster_voxels.py)
    point_cloud_scene_decomposer (point_cloud_scene_decomposer/point_cloud_scene_decomposer_node)


core service [/rosout] found
process[cluster_voxels-1]: started with pid [10327]
process[point_cloud_scene_decomposer-2]: started with pid [10332]
5153    5167    0[0 x 0]
[ERROR] [1435650964.735283933]: -- CANNOT PROCESS EMPTY INSTANCE
Image: [640 x 480]
Image: [640 x 480]
5187    5197    0[640 x 480]
[ERROR] [1435650966.401634152]: -- CANNOT PROCESS EMPTY INSTANCE
Image: [640 x 480]
5192    5205    307200[640 x 480]
[ERROR] [1435650968.421090411]: Cannot search NN in an empty point cloud
[ERROR] [1435650968.421139614]: ERROR: Cannot Generate RAG of empty data...
[ERROR] [1435650968.421163957]: ERROR: Cannot Merge Empty RAG ...
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc
[point_cloud_scene_decomposer-2] process has died [pid 10332, exit code -6, cmd /home/au/ros/hydro/devel/lib/point_cloud_scene_decomposer/point_cloud_scene_decomposer_node input_cloud:=/cloud_image/output/cloud input_image:=/cloud_image/output/interpolated_image input_norm:=/normal_gradient/output/normal input_orig_cloud:=/openni_c2/depth_registered/points input_signal:=/manipulated_cluster/output/signal __name:=point_cloud_scene_decomposer __log:=/home/au/.ros/log/8a548d7a-1efa-11e5-99b7-001517ebc305/point_cloud_scene_decomposer-2.log].
log file: /home/au/.ros/log/8a548d7a-1efa-11e5-99b7-001517ebc305/point_cloud_scene_decomposer-2*.log
chiwunau commented 9 years ago

Their result looks very promising http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=6651520&queryText=clutter+scene+robot&newsearch=true&searchField=Search_All

chiwunau commented 9 years ago


iKrishneel commented 9 years ago

Can you please email those papers to me as I cant access it from home.

chiwunau commented 9 years ago

close for humanoids published