Closed rete closed 6 years ago
I still need to provide the background map for B=4.0T for the small models (waiting for maps from Uwe Schneekloth).
@andresailer I have dramatically changed the ETPad and ETCluster cuts. I studied electrons of 50 GeV randomly distributed in theta in the BeamCal. I saw that by using the old cuts
I get no reconstructed electrons in my output file. I went through the BeamCalClusterReco processor and I found that the cluster energy is estimated from the SimCalorimeter energy and not from the calibrated CalorimeterHits collection.
See here the energy distrubution of the BeamCalCollection out of the simulation :
If I cut at 0.01 almost all the hits are removed from the BeamCal reconstruction. I played a bit with this cut ETPad and ETCluster to get a reconstruction running but I have finally no idea of the consistency of these parameters.
Yes, ETPad and ETCluster are based on the raw energy of the hits. The default values are also somewhat aimed at 1.5 TeV electrons with a lot of background, where there is not a lot of hope for finding 50 GeV electrons.
Wait also for iLCSoft/Overlay#16 to be merged. We need to remove the BeamCalCollection from the eepair background overlay processor as it is already taken into account by the BeamCal background map
The calibration constant for the energy will be adjusted in another pull request. @gaede : This can be merged.