iLCSoft / ILDConfig

Package for iLCSoft configuration files related to the ILD detector simulation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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BeamCalReco is back ! #65

Closed rete closed 6 years ago

rete commented 6 years ago




rete commented 6 years ago

I still need to provide the background map for B=4.0T for the small models (waiting for maps from Uwe Schneekloth).

@andresailer I have dramatically changed the ETPad and ETCluster cuts. I studied electrons of 50 GeV randomly distributed in theta in the BeamCal. I saw that by using the old cuts

I get no reconstructed electrons in my output file. I went through the BeamCalClusterReco processor and I found that the cluster energy is estimated from the SimCalorimeter energy and not from the calibrated CalorimeterHits collection.

See here the energy distrubution of the BeamCalCollection out of the simulation : beamcalreco_simhitenergy

If I cut at 0.01 almost all the hits are removed from the BeamCal reconstruction. I played a bit with this cut ETPad and ETCluster to get a reconstruction running but I have finally no idea of the consistency of these parameters.

andresailer commented 6 years ago

Yes, ETPad and ETCluster are based on the raw energy of the hits. The default values are also somewhat aimed at 1.5 TeV electrons with a lot of background, where there is not a lot of hope for finding 50 GeV electrons.

rete commented 6 years ago

Wait also for iLCSoft/Overlay#16 to be merged. We need to remove the BeamCalCollection from the eepair background overlay processor as it is already taken into account by the BeamCal background map

rete commented 6 years ago

The calibration constant for the energy will be adjusted in another pull request. @gaede : This can be merged.