iLCSoft / ILDConfig

Package for iLCSoft configuration files related to the ILD detector simulation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Readiness for production #75

Closed rete closed 6 years ago

rete commented 6 years ago

@gaede @shaojunlu @danieljeans I post this issue as a central post for the things we need to check before going to the final production. Here is the proposal list:

Please, post a comment or edit this comment to add a new entry or validate one entry as soon as we have the plots to validate it. Post also the plots to keep track of it.

shaojunlu commented 6 years ago

@rete I saw that you have the pure background simulations in the list. Could I use them in standard reconstruction to check the impact on the tracking efficiency? I may copy the ttbar simulation/reconstruction files into the ILD group folder, too.

rete commented 6 years ago

@shaojunlu I suggest we just check the tracking and jer/jes for the pre-release(s). For the release v01-19-06 the central production will be run and we will then go through this list.

rete commented 6 years ago

PID performance

Dear all,

I have run the PID scripts available in the ILDPerformance package. I ran this on ttbar events (REC files) centrally produced from the 3rd test production available from :


After running the PID performance scripts I get the plots available there :

Note that the plots (PIDs_pdg*.pdf) are produced by selecting particles with momentum > 3 GeV.

I found that :

rete commented 6 years ago

JER/JES performance

Dear all, this is the performance plots from ILDPerformance run on uds samples for iLCSoft v01-19-06

This has already been shown by Frank during the last ILD phone meeting.

danieljeans commented 6 years ago

maps of simhits produced by muons uploaded to confluence:

no obvious drastic problems seen

rete commented 6 years ago

Hi Daniel,

maps of simhits produced by muons uploaded to confluence:

it seems the plots can't be seen on page. Even by clicking on them, the pictures are wrong.

danieljeans commented 6 years ago

when I click on it, I can download a ps file full of plots, as intended.

it's true that confluence doesn't seem to preview ps files.

danieljeans commented 6 years ago

detector material scans for latest version at

no obvious problems noticed

rete commented 6 years ago


Current calibration from v01-19-05, currently in the software :

<constant name="EcalBarrelMip">0.0001525</constant>
<constant name="EcalEndcapMip">0.0001525</constant>
<constant name="EcalRingMip">0.0001525</constant>
<constant name="HcalBarrelMip">0.0004925</constant>
<constant name="HcalEndcapMip">0.0004775</constant>
<constant name="HcalRingMip">0.0004875</constant>
<constant name="EcalBarrelEnergyFactors">0.00616736103247 0.0125274552256</constant>
<constant name="EcalEndcapEnergyFactors">0.0064868449976 0.0131764071919</constant>
<constant name="EcalRingEnergyFactors">0.0064868449976 0.0131764071919</constant>
<constant name="HcalBarrelEnergyFactors">0.0216747245411</constant>
<constant name="HcalEndcapEnergyFactors">0.0217395864899</constant>
<constant name="HcalRingEnergyFactors">0.0271318181372</constant>
<constant name="MuonCalibration">56.7</constant>
<constant name="PandoraEcalToMip">153.846</constant>
<constant name="PandoraHcalToMip">43.29</constant>
<constant name="PandoraMuonToMip">10.3093</constant>
<constant name="PandoraEcalToEMScale">1.0</constant>
<constant name="PandoraHcalToEMScale">1.0</constant>
<constant name="PandoraEcalToHadBarrelScale">1.07522318318</constant>
<constant name="PandoraEcalToHadEndcapScale">1.07522318318</constant>
<constant name="PandoraHcalToHadScale">1.02821419758</constant>
<constant name="PandoraSoftwareCompensationWeights">1.66803 -0.031982 0.000192898 -0.0612971 0.00256256 -4.35641e-05 0.0558589 0.0601767 -0.0758029</constant>

New calibration obtained with v01-19-06 :

<constant name="EcalBarrelMip">0.0001575</constant>
<constant name="EcalEndcapMip">0.0001575</constant>
<constant name="EcalRingMip">0.0001575</constant>
<constant name="HcalBarrelMip">0.0004975</constant>
<constant name="HcalEndcapMip">0.0004825</constant>
<constant name="HcalRingMip">0.0004875</constant>
<constant name="EcalBarrelEnergyFactors">0.00637340690428 0.0129459860072</constant>
<constant name="EcalEndcapEnergyFactors">0.00670894460888 0.01362754714</constant>
<constant name="EcalRingEnergyFactors">0.00670894460888 0.01362754714</constant>
<constant name="HcalBarrelEnergyFactors">0.0216747245411</constant>
<constant name="HcalEndcapEnergyFactors">0.0217395864899</constant>
<constant name="HcalRingEnergyFactors">0.0270819056524</constant>
<constant name="MuonCalibration">56.7</constant>
<constant name="PandoraEcalToMip">153.846</constant>
<constant name="PandoraHcalToMip">43.29</constant>
<constant name="PandoraMuonToMip">10.3093</constant>
<constant name="PandoraEcalToEMScale">1.0</constant>
<constant name="PandoraHcalToEMScale">1.0</constant>
<constant name="PandoraEcalToHadBarrelScale">1.05666809149</constant>
<constant name="PandoraEcalToHadEndcapScale">1.05666809149</constant>
<constant name="PandoraHcalToHadScale">1.06268778947</constant>
<constant name="PandoraSoftwareCompensationWeights">1.45867 -0.0137705 8.64291e-06 -0.0492179 0.00128169 -1.44578e-05 0.054839 0.0539599 -0\

Single neutral hadron energy before and after software compensation : softwarecompensationmonitoring_totalenergy softwarecompensationmonitoring_compensatedenergy

The results are consistent by seeing the plots. Nevertheless, the calibration constants are different enough to submit a pull request in ILDConfig.

@gaede , FYI

rete commented 6 years ago

Everything has been checked so far. I close the issue. Thank you all !