Closed rete closed 6 years ago
@rete I saw that you have the pure background simulations in the list. Could I use them in standard reconstruction to check the impact on the tracking efficiency? I may copy the ttbar simulation/reconstruction files into the ILD group folder, too.
@shaojunlu I suggest we just check the tracking and jer/jes for the pre-release(s). For the release v01-19-06 the central production will be run and we will then go through this list.
Dear all,
I have run the PID scripts available in the ILDPerformance package. I ran this on ttbar events (REC files) centrally produced from the 3rd test production available from :
After running the PID performance scripts I get the plots available there :
Note that the plots (PIDs_pdg*.pdf) are produced by selecting particles with momentum > 3 GeV.
I found that :
Dear all, this is the performance plots from ILDPerformance run on uds samples for iLCSoft v01-19-06
Jet energy resolution
Jet energy scale and deviation from linearity
This has already been shown by Frank during the last ILD phone meeting.
maps of simhits produced by muons uploaded to confluence:
no obvious drastic problems seen
Hi Daniel,
maps of simhits produced by muons uploaded to confluence:
it seems the plots can't be seen on page. Even by clicking on them, the pictures are wrong.
when I click on it, I can download a ps file full of plots, as intended.
it's true that confluence doesn't seem to preview ps files.
detector material scans for latest version at
no obvious problems noticed
Current calibration from v01-19-05, currently in the software :
<constant name="EcalBarrelMip">0.0001525</constant>
<constant name="EcalEndcapMip">0.0001525</constant>
<constant name="EcalRingMip">0.0001525</constant>
<constant name="HcalBarrelMip">0.0004925</constant>
<constant name="HcalEndcapMip">0.0004775</constant>
<constant name="HcalRingMip">0.0004875</constant>
<constant name="EcalBarrelEnergyFactors">0.00616736103247 0.0125274552256</constant>
<constant name="EcalEndcapEnergyFactors">0.0064868449976 0.0131764071919</constant>
<constant name="EcalRingEnergyFactors">0.0064868449976 0.0131764071919</constant>
<constant name="HcalBarrelEnergyFactors">0.0216747245411</constant>
<constant name="HcalEndcapEnergyFactors">0.0217395864899</constant>
<constant name="HcalRingEnergyFactors">0.0271318181372</constant>
<constant name="MuonCalibration">56.7</constant>
<constant name="PandoraEcalToMip">153.846</constant>
<constant name="PandoraHcalToMip">43.29</constant>
<constant name="PandoraMuonToMip">10.3093</constant>
<constant name="PandoraEcalToEMScale">1.0</constant>
<constant name="PandoraHcalToEMScale">1.0</constant>
<constant name="PandoraEcalToHadBarrelScale">1.07522318318</constant>
<constant name="PandoraEcalToHadEndcapScale">1.07522318318</constant>
<constant name="PandoraHcalToHadScale">1.02821419758</constant>
<constant name="PandoraSoftwareCompensationWeights">1.66803 -0.031982 0.000192898 -0.0612971 0.00256256 -4.35641e-05 0.0558589 0.0601767 -0.0758029</constant>
New calibration obtained with v01-19-06 :
<constant name="EcalBarrelMip">0.0001575</constant>
<constant name="EcalEndcapMip">0.0001575</constant>
<constant name="EcalRingMip">0.0001575</constant>
<constant name="HcalBarrelMip">0.0004975</constant>
<constant name="HcalEndcapMip">0.0004825</constant>
<constant name="HcalRingMip">0.0004875</constant>
<constant name="EcalBarrelEnergyFactors">0.00637340690428 0.0129459860072</constant>
<constant name="EcalEndcapEnergyFactors">0.00670894460888 0.01362754714</constant>
<constant name="EcalRingEnergyFactors">0.00670894460888 0.01362754714</constant>
<constant name="HcalBarrelEnergyFactors">0.0216747245411</constant>
<constant name="HcalEndcapEnergyFactors">0.0217395864899</constant>
<constant name="HcalRingEnergyFactors">0.0270819056524</constant>
<constant name="MuonCalibration">56.7</constant>
<constant name="PandoraEcalToMip">153.846</constant>
<constant name="PandoraHcalToMip">43.29</constant>
<constant name="PandoraMuonToMip">10.3093</constant>
<constant name="PandoraEcalToEMScale">1.0</constant>
<constant name="PandoraHcalToEMScale">1.0</constant>
<constant name="PandoraEcalToHadBarrelScale">1.05666809149</constant>
<constant name="PandoraEcalToHadEndcapScale">1.05666809149</constant>
<constant name="PandoraHcalToHadScale">1.06268778947</constant>
<constant name="PandoraSoftwareCompensationWeights">1.45867 -0.0137705 8.64291e-06 -0.0492179 0.00128169 -1.44578e-05 0.054839 0.0539599 -0\
Single neutral hadron energy before and after software compensation :
The results are consistent by seeing the plots. Nevertheless, the calibration constants are different enough to submit a pull request in ILDConfig.
@gaede , FYI
Everything has been checked so far. I close the issue. Thank you all !
@gaede @shaojunlu @danieljeans I post this issue as a central post for the things we need to check before going to the final production. Here is the proposal list:
Please, post a comment or edit this comment to add a new entry or validate one entry as soon as we have the plots to validate it. Post also the plots to keep track of it.