iLampard / lamp

PyTorch implementation of the paper "Language Models Can Improve Event Prediction by Few-Shot Abductive Reasoning", NeurIPS 2023
Apache License 2.0
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Model Details about KnowEvolveANHP #7

Closed yesluck closed 5 months ago

yesluck commented 5 months ago

Hi Team,

Thank you so much for sharing this amazing framework for event prediction!

When I am trying to go through your code, I see you are using the class "KnowEvolveANHP" to train the base event sequence model. From your paper, I saw you mentioned both KE and ANHP are state-of-the-art event sequence models. So I wish to understand if KnowEvolveANHP is a combination of these two models, or what the relationship is between the implementation of KnowEvolveANHP and these SOTA event sequence models.

Thanks a lot for your time and consideration!

iLampard commented 5 months ago


Yes, KnowEvolveANHP is a combination of the two models, which simply refers to add attention structure to the original KnowEvolve model.

yesluck commented 5 months ago

Thanks a lot, Team. This helps a lot!