iMi-digital / laravel-transsid

Encode Session IDs in URLs for Laravel 5-8 Projects (Transparent SID)
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Livewire: " Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollectionInterface is not instantiable", Session IDs not included in AJAX calls #15

Closed elrossco22 closed 1 week ago

elrossco22 commented 11 months ago

I'm trying to use this package (laravel-transsid) in conjunction with Livewire. I've followed the instructions in regards to adding the relevant service providers etc however when I call any of my Livewire components from within a blade template using the @livewire("componentName") syntax I get the below error

[Target [Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollectionInterface] is not instantiable while building [Livewire\Redirector, iMi\LaravelTransSid\UrlGeneratorService].]

Any help would be much appreciated

amenk commented 11 months ago

We don't use the module with Livewire so far. Can you try to dig this down for any more verbose error messages or use Xdebug to debug? If you found a fix, a pull request would be very appreciated.

elrossco22 commented 11 months ago

@amenk are you able to offer any help/guidance on the above. I've had a quick look however from what I can see Util::getParameterClassName($parameter) where $parameter->name ="routes" seems to return "Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollectionInterface" which then seems to traverse down through various functions within Application.php and Container.php before landing at the build() function and hitting an exception because it's not instantiable commentary for the function as below:

// If the type is not instantiable, the developer is attempting to resolve // an abstract type such as an Interface or Abstract Class and there is // no binding registered for the abstractions so we need to bail out.

amenk commented 11 months ago

You could try and / or provide a minimal reproducible example of the problem.

elrossco22 commented 11 months ago

@amenk minimal reproducible example of the problem as below:

1.) Clean install of Laravel 2.) Install Livewire via Composer 3.) Install iMi-digital/laravel-trannsid via Composer 4.) Create a test LiveWire Component (php artisan make:livewire TestComponent) 5.) Embed the test component within a Blade file that will be called from one of your routes (@livewire('TestComponent')) 6.) Hit the relevant url endpoint for the controller than returns the view file which contains the livewire embed

elrossco22 commented 11 months ago

@amenk a more helpful extract taken directly from my history

1.) composer create-project laravel/laravel=v9.4.0 test --prefer-dist 2.)composer require livewire/livewire 3.) composer require imi/laravel-transsid 4.) Edit config/app.php as per the imi/laravel-transsid instructions 5.) php artisan make:livewire ShowPosts 6.) edit resources/welcome/blade.php and add @livewire('show-posts') anywhere on the page 7.) php artisan serve 8.) hit the laravel home route with tour browser and the error will appear

amenk commented 11 months ago

Thank you very much for documenting ... we might look into it when we have time; we do provide paid services though which could speed up things...

elrossco22 commented 11 months ago

@amenk - could you please send me details r.e. paid service

amenk commented 11 months ago

@elrossco22 Please send me your contact to a.menk at

amenk commented 11 months ago

We will try to reproduce with Laravel 9

amenk commented 11 months ago

Reproduced on our system locally, trying to fix ...

elrossco22 commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the update @amenk - look forward to further updates on progress

amenk commented 11 months ago

We have a possible fix and push it soon to a dev branch for testing.

amenk commented 11 months ago

@elrossco22 please try requiring the version dev-15-livewire and see if it fixes your issue.

elrossco22 commented 11 months ago

Hey @amenk - I've had a quick look and this partially fixes the problem. That is to say that a blade template that features a LiveWire component will now render however LiveWire itself does not work.

LiveWire essentially uses Ajax to update the page data as user interacts - such as clicking a button etc. These interactions/requests are being fired however they do not take into consideration the SID in the url - I can see from my developer tools that LiveWire is posting to /livewire/message/ without any SID url param so is still reliant on the cookie to identify the session.

elrossco22 commented 11 months ago

Steps to reproduce as per our example above with the show-post component would be:

1.) Edit resources/views/welcome.blade.php and add @livewireScripts above the closing </body> tag 2.) Edit resources/views/welcome.blade.php and add @livewire('show-posts') in the main page div somewhere 3.) Edit resources/views/livewire/show-posts.blade.php and add <button type="button" wire:click="callFunction" class="btn btn-danger">Click Me</button>

If you now visit the page and click the button you will get an error as we never created the function named callFunction within out LivewWite Http Controller for ShowPosts. This is expectected! If you look in developer tools you will see that LiveWire is making it's Ajax request to /livewire/message/show-posts which does not have SID on the url and therefore the session is dropped

amenk commented 11 months ago

We might need to patch and rebuild the livewire.js (we are using v2.12.6)

amenk commented 11 months ago

Actually there must be a way to extend the livewire request or payload without patching livewire :-)

amenk commented 11 months ago

livewire has a message.sent hook, but does not have a message.prepare hook or something similar :-(

amenk commented 11 months ago

we try the approach via a custom header:

amenk commented 11 months ago

@elrossco22 try the latest push on the branch, pay attention to the "Livewire" section in the readme,

Too include Session Id's  use this script:

    <script type="text/javascript">
        document.addEventListener('livewire:load', function(event) {
                'X-session': '{{ Session::getId() }}',
elrossco22 commented 11 months ago

@amenk - I will test more extensively over the weekend but on a first pass this looks like it may be working :)

amenk commented 10 months ago

@elrossco22 Did you have a change to test thoroughly? If so, we would merge the change and publish a new version.

amenk commented 10 months ago

Will release a new version, thanks for reporting and the support

amenk commented 3 months ago

@elrossco22 please contact me

anhofmann commented 1 week ago

This works in livewire 3 and laravel 10 :+1:

Laravel horizon doesn't work, because they don't use the route() helper.