iMi-digital / shopware6-category-duplicator

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Error with Shopware Make sure there is a loader supporting the "annotation" type. #8

Closed kdambekalns closed 1 week ago

kdambekalns commented 1 week ago

After installation all I get in the admin UI is the same as when calling cache:ckear:

root@shopware:/var/www/ sudo -u www-data bin/console cache:clear

 // Clearing the cache for the prod environment with debug false

In Loader.php line 67:

  Cannot load resource "/var/www/".
  Make sure there is a loader supporting the "annotation" type.
amenk commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the report.

I am checking internally if we saw this problem already.

Otherwise, would you be able to make a pull request?

kdambekalns commented 1 week ago

I can do PRs, but in this case I wouldn't even know wherev to begin, without some proper research… 😬

I mean, is this essentially a complaint about the @Route annotation? Why would that not be supported out of the box (anymore) in Shopware?

amenk commented 1 week ago

I found this:

kdambekalns commented 1 week ago

Fair enough!

Tested it locally, worked. I did not check if this still works in versions < 6.6, you might want to adjust the minimum dependency in the composer manifest…