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FontFamily Null refrence exception and NavigationView CornerRadius null refrence #24

Closed ghost1372 closed 7 months ago

ghost1372 commented 7 months ago

Create a Blank WPF app Add nuget package Add Resources in MainWindow (not app.xaml)

            <ui:ThemeResources />
            <ui:XamlControlsResources />

and try add ComboBox or any controls which is using IconElement


and you will get exception


also i get exception here:

private static void OnFontFamilyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
    var fontIcon = (FontIcon)d;
    if (fontIcon._textBlock != null)
        fontIcon._textBlock.FontFamily = (FontFamily)e.NewValue;

can you fix this?


also when i want to use NavigationView i get null refrence exception for Cornerradius: removing this line from NavigationView.xaml file can fix this issue:

CornerRadius="{Binding Value, Source={StaticResource OverlayCornerRadiusProxy}, Converter={StaticResource RightCornerRadiusFilterConverter}}"

NotYoojun commented 7 months ago

I will check this later, I'm on break right now.

ghost1372 commented 7 months ago

i changed (FontFamily)Application.Current.Resources["SymbolThemeFontFamily"] with new FontFamily("Segoe MDL2 Assets")

and issue can be fixed

NotYoojun commented 7 months ago

What about changing it to (FontFamily)Application.Current.FindResource("SymbolThemeFontFamily"), does that work? I'm not with my computer so I can't test it out right now.

ghost1372 commented 7 months ago


not worked, i think this is related #25

NotYoojun commented 7 months ago

OK, let's talk about it in #25