Modern (Fluent 2) styles and controls for your WPF applications
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Merge resources/part1 #27

Closed ghost1372 closed 7 months ago

ghost1372 commented 7 months ago

Fix #22 This PR only covers the iNKORE.UI.WPF.Modern and iNKORE.UI.WPF.Modern.Controls will be done in next pr.

i used a tool called XAMLTools.MSBuild which, Combines multiple XAML files to one large file. This is useful when you want to provide one Generic.xaml instead of multiple small XAML files. Using one large XAML file not only makes it easier to consume, but can also drastically improving loading performance.

Things that have been done in this PR:

All MergedDictionary and Converters removed from xaml files

All Converters moved to a new File Called Converters.xaml

ControlsResources Removed and some of contents moved to ThemeResources.xaml file

Generic.xaml file removed and some of contents moved to a new file called CustomControlStuff.xaml

All custom controls are automatically merged into Generic.xaml file.

All styles are automatically merged into a new file named Theme.xaml

XamlControlsResources.cs file updated to Theme.xaml file instead of ControlsResources.xaml file.

NotYoojun commented 7 months ago

Wait a minute, did you just put all the control styles in ONE XAML FILE?? I don't think this will be good for the work in future nor the following maintenance.

ghost1372 commented 7 months ago

Wait a minute, did you just put all the control styles in ONE XAML FILE?? I don't think this will be good for the work in future nor the following maintenance.

You have 2 files ControlsResources.xaml and Generic.xaml

You are currently putting all the files in one file! All styles inside ControlsResources.xaml and all custom controls inside generic.xaml But the important difference is that, You do this by nesting dictionaries (A dictionary inside a dictionary)... But the changes I made, It puts all the styles in the theme.xaml file directly (i just changed ControlsResources to theme) and here i did not use nested dictionaries. i did the same for the custom control and all custom control things goes into generic.xaml file directly. You have no problems with development and maintenance. Do whatever you like, create as many files as you like (Also, you no longer need to reference styles, resources and controls in dictionaries), Write your codes, after saving Ctrl + S or Building your project, All dictionaries are automatically placed in the specified files.

if you look at csproj file you can see that we have a code:

<XAMLCombineItems Include="Controls\**\*.xaml">

This code specifies that the xaml files hosted in controls folder should be merged into a single file called generic.xaml and if you look at generic.xaml file you can see this output:

    This code was generated by a tool.
    Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.
Source files:

so instead of this:

     <ResourceDictionary Source="/iNKORE.UI.WPF.Modern;component/Controls/AcrylicPanel.xaml" />
     <ResourceDictionary Source="/iNKORE.UI.WPF.Modern;component/Controls/AnimatedVisualSource.xaml" />

we have actual codes...

NotYoojun commented 7 months ago

Hi! I got the following exception when I try to run the sample app:


By the way can you change the name Themes/Theme.xaml to Themes/CombinedResources.xaml? I don't think the name Theme.xaml have a clear meaning. Also, you may have to apply #28 to this pull.

ghost1372 commented 7 months ago

Hi! I got the following exception when I try to run the sample app:


By the way can you change the name Themes/Theme.xaml to Themes/CombinedResources.xaml? I don't think the name Theme.xaml have a clear meaning. Also, you may have to apply #28 to this pull.

Sure, wait for it

ghost1372 commented 7 months ago

@NotYoojun i applied #28 and i renamed Theme.xaml to CombinedResources.xaml, also i fixed exception and now Demo apps can be run without any issues. image

NotYoojun commented 7 months ago

There's another issue. Go to the Text -> TextBox on the sample app, then right click any textbox, the exception above will throw. Do you have a minute to solve that?

ghost1372 commented 7 months ago

image There's another issue. Go to the Text -> TextBox on the sample app, then right click any textbox, the exception above will throw. Do you have a minute to solve that?

i am working on it

ghost1372 commented 7 months ago

@NotYoojun go to Main branch and test it again, this bug still exist and does not related to this pr. relative panel also has a bug and crash System.InvalidOperationException: 'UIElement.Measure(availableSize) cannot be called with NaN size.'

NotYoojun commented 7 months ago

OK, i fixed the TextBox issue and made a commit.

ghost1372 commented 7 months ago

OK, i fixed the TextBox issue and made a commit.

excelent, thank you. when you re-organize second library, i will be ready for second part. also what do you think, we remove CombinedResources and we just use Generic.xaml?

NotYoojun commented 7 months ago

Good idea, maybe you can have a try!

NotYoojun commented 7 months ago

Wait a minute, I don't think this is a good action. You see, in XamlControlResources.cs there are some lines like this: Generic.xaml will be loaded automatically by the WPF mechanics, while the CombinedResources.xaml will be loaded manually when user used XamlControlResources.

If you put them together, All the unnecessary stuff in Generic.xaml will be loaded twice. So I think it's better to keep the current structure. What do you think?

        internal static ResourceDictionary ControlsResources
                if (_controlsResources == null)
                    _controlsResources = new ResourceDictionary { Source = PackUriHelper.GetAbsoluteUri("Themes/CombinedResources.xaml") };
                return _controlsResources;

OK, i fixed the TextBox issue and made a commit.

excelent, thank you. when you re-organize second library, i will be ready for second part. also what do you think, we remove CombinedResources and we just use Generic.xaml?

ghost1372 commented 7 months ago

Wait a minute, I don't think this is a good action. You see, in XamlControlResources.cs there are some lines like this: Generic.xaml will be loaded automatically by the WPF mechanics, while the CombinedResources.xaml will be loaded manually when user used XamlControlResources.

If you put them together, All the unnecessary stuff in Generic.xaml will be loaded twice. So I think it's better to keep the current structure. What do you think?

        internal static ResourceDictionary ControlsResources
                if (_controlsResources == null)
                    _controlsResources = new ResourceDictionary { Source = PackUriHelper.GetAbsoluteUri("Themes/CombinedResources.xaml") };
                return _controlsResources;

OK, i fixed the TextBox issue and made a commit.

excelent, thank you. when you re-organize second library, i will be ready for second part. also what do you think, we remove CombinedResources and we just use Generic.xaml?

let me test and see what is happening