Closed DimaVIII closed 7 years ago
Probably but
Digital Module, with high accuracy, up to 7m,much higher than analog module
Highly output accuracy in 0.01m, range accuracy is 4.99m
WTF? Are they serious?
Looks like a crappy HC-SR04 sonar + Atmega board. This means it's not nearly 7m and definitely useless on quads.
Yeah this are Banggood descriptions... they never know what they are actually selling there. However I will build one with this script, was just wondering. The Rangefinder is supported by all newer FC with I2C pins and iNAV 1.7.3, right?
Yes, I2C on FC is required. But please use US-100 not HC-SR04 which is crap
Wouldn't this HC-SR04 Digital I2C Module from Banggood do the same as this scrip?
I didn't read the iNAV code, just wondering if it is necessary to build this converter or just use a device that is already converting the output to I2C.