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Omnibus F4 V3 - Can't enable softserial #2658

Closed DangerD256 closed 5 years ago

DangerD256 commented 6 years ago

Softserial is enabled in configuration tab (also checked in cli) but port doesn't appears in ports tab

shellixyz commented 6 years ago

That's because no software serial pins are configured for the OMNIBUS F4 V3 FC.

DangerD256 commented 6 years ago

Any way to change this? If I flash pro firmware they will work...

shellixyz commented 6 years ago

No it probably won't work because on the V3 board one of the pins used for softserial on the PRO is used for switching the UART6 inverter. Free usable pins would need to be found to assign to the softserial port for the V3.

DangerD256 commented 6 years ago

PWM5 and 6. If I will flash firmware from omnibus f4 pro to my v3 it works.

shellixyz commented 6 years ago

Odd. I don't understand how it could as PC8/PC9 used for softserial on the PRO doesn't seem to be connected to the PWM 5 and 6 outputs. Referring to the source code they should be connected to the CH5/CH6 pads on the PRO (CH5/CH6 is not PWM5/6, not the same thing).

shellixyz commented 6 years ago

Also assuming you were talking about CH5/6 if you are using SBUS and the PC8 pin is really used for controlling the UART6 inverter it would cause issues with your RX link.

KnuckleUpFPV commented 6 years ago

My uart6 doesnt work at all. no matter what I do. no rc link, no gps, no smart audio, nothing

shellixyz commented 6 years ago

@KnuckleUpFPV Off topic. This issue is about softserial. Maybe something happened to your UART6 and it is dead. Can't think of anything else. I know it is working for at least SBUS for other people.

Update: In 1.8.0 UART6 is not working with SBUS but the issue has been fixed in dev and it should be working with uninverted signals (GPS). Also are you sure you did not swap RX/TX lines ?

KnuckleUpFPV commented 6 years ago

Soft serial isnt working either. Meant to include that. And no the wires arent swapped. Like I said it works on uart 1 but uart6 will not respond to any input. Sbus, crsf, non inverted sbus. Nothing. Zip zilch nodda. My apologies for being off topic. No one knows why this uart doesnt work. I've been posting anywhere I can get a response. A lot of threads are dead. I'll just throw it out and buy something else. I have 18 other mini quads and 3 wings to fly.

KnuckleUpFPV commented 6 years ago

Disregard. They removed ch5 and ch6. I scraped the board from the two very tiny pads by the sd card. Where the ch5 and ch6 were at on the v2. I soldered to them and gps is now working over soft serial. I hope someone else comes here and finds this

ekitru commented 6 years ago

The problem looks like similar to mine. I have Matek 405-AIO board and trying to connect frsky S.BUS telemetry throught softserial. Enabling softserial feature does not help, there is not softserial ports at all.

KnuckleUpFPV commented 6 years ago

I got soft serial working on the matek. Had to use cli to turn it on. The slider doesnt work in inav

ekitru commented 6 years ago

I have tried feature -SOFTSERIAL, save, feature SOFTSERIAL, save it does not help. I am newbie in RC and INAV Can you help me, may be some other feature need to enabled or disabled, or some command is needed to activate s.bus on pin6 ?

KnuckleUpFPV commented 6 years ago

First can I ask why you aren't using the non inverted signal from the receiver? Its alot easier. You can pull the none inverted and hook it to a regular uart. And I use the cli command and moved the soft serial slider both. I had to move slider save and then do the cli command. It would be alot better to pull the non inverted signal. There are lots of pics on Google where to solder too. I'm happy to help you. I can't figure out how to post pics in here. You can find me on Facebook and we can use Facebook messenger. My name is Robert Criteser. There is only two of us on Facebook. Myself and my uncle. The pic is of myself and my girlfriend at a new years party. Message me and I can send you pics.

shellixyz commented 6 years ago

@ekitru S.Bus on UART6 doesn't work in 1.8.0. This is a known bug (see #2642 for an explanation an alpha fix). Also softserial doesn't work with the Omnibus F4 V3 board as no pins has been defined for the RX/TX lines.

KnuckleUpFPV commented 6 years ago

He is talking about the matek f405 aio. Not the omnibus

KnuckleUpFPV commented 6 years ago

If you use the none v3 firmware you can soft serial on the v3. The pads to solder to, are next to the sd card. They are very small and have to be scraped clean first. They are the spots where ch5 and ch6 is on the v5 version of the board. I have mine working.

ekitru commented 6 years ago

I found a non-inverter hack for frsky receivers, but I am using R9 receiver. propably there is a inverter chip c04f on second level board, but currently there is not instructions to how get non-inverted signal from r9 module.

KnuckleUpFPV commented 6 years ago

Ah ok. You are using the long range module. I'll dig around and see what I can find for you. I use openlrsng over serial, and i recently started using crossfire as well. Love the crossfire. Saw some test videos on the r9. It works really well.

Let me see what I can find on the r9 receiver.

ekitru commented 6 years ago

I also took r9 because of some reviews which shows really good range and stability. Currently I can't find anythinf about uninverted hak for this module. It is took new =(

yohihoy commented 6 years ago

Ok I have external inverter for my frysky x8r on OmnibusF4V3, it works in BF for software serial but it isnot working here. My hardware inverter from here, and again telemetry works connected to pwm5/pwm6 in BETAFLIGHT: But these commands not working with INAV as described: set smartport_uart_unidir = ON set telemetry_inversion = OFF Where I wrong or could you please consider to make different firmware that will extend firmware of our FC to use pwm5/6 mapping for softserial. Cause here only 3 UARTS. I cannot use my telemetry with INAV.

KnuckleUpFPV commented 6 years ago

Have you tried set sbus_inversion = off It works for my openlrs gear. May work for you.

yohihoy commented 6 years ago

Cannot figure out how sbus inversion relates to telemetry external inverter in my case?

yohihoy commented 6 years ago

As was expected, when sbus inv set to off, this disabled inversion on uart6 and receiver stop working. And this had no effect on softserial.

KnuckleUpFPV commented 6 years ago

So you don't have a hardware inverter? They can be made very easy. Run both with inverters and sbus inversion off.

yohihoy commented 6 years ago

So you don't have a hardware inverter? They can be made very easy. Run both with inverters and sbus inversion off.

Have you read my comments above where I mentioned this twice?

Ok I have external inverter for my frysky x8r

My hardware inverter

KnuckleUpFPV commented 6 years ago

First off if you are going to be a dick you can find help elsewhere. I meant a hardware inverter built into the board. It's not a hard concept. If using an x8r you could just use the uninverted signal. Good luck to you.

KnuckleUpFPV commented 6 years ago

And soft serial works fine on the v4. Had you read above you would see to use the pro target and the small pads by the sd card. It takes a cli command to activate it. And some tiny soldering. Pwm5 and pwm6 are not the pads you soft serial too. When you decide you want to see pics of how its done you can find me on Facebook as I stated above and I can send a pic. Otherwise maybe one of the other gentlemen will help you.

yohihoy commented 6 years ago

@KnuckleUpFPV Buddy, I'm just trying to keep patience, reading any advices from any people, trying to apply them even they looks strange cause Im very interested, but whats wrong with you? I just point you so I mentioned that I have hw invertion for s.port telemetry, but it doesnt work just it. About pads, they are too small for me dont think I can keep FC unbroken when touch them :smile: But anyway thank you for your help.

KnuckleUpFPV commented 6 years ago

Again you missed what I was talking about. A physical hardware inverter on the fc. Inverting the inverter makes it none inverted. Can't make this shit up. Using it none inverted through cli and two external inverters will net two none inverted signals. Do some research on sbus and how it works and you may understand.

yohihoy commented 6 years ago

@KnuckleUpFPV Are we talking about the same thing, just to be sure? On my FC omnibusf4v3 s.port telemetry from X8R, workin only with external hw inverter like in article I linked. For sbus connected to ppm(uart6) FC already has hw inverter, but Im trying to fix s.port telem and map it to sft serial.

KnuckleUpFPV commented 6 years ago


yohihoy commented 6 years ago


Free usable pins would need to be found to assign to the softserial port for the V3.

Also assuming you were talking about CH5/6 if you are using SBUS and the PC8 pin is really used for controlling the UART6 inverter it would cause issues with your RX link.

I can confirm if it helps someone to make this FW better, softserial with discrete inverter for s.port X8R works in BF with PW5/PWM6 with these cli commands for BETAFLIGHT: resource motor 5 none resource motor 6 none resource led_strip none resource serial_tx 11 a1 resource serial_rx 11 a8

my board schematic:

KnuckleUpFPV commented 6 years ago

You would have to build a custom firmware. No mapping in inav.

shellixyz commented 6 years ago

@yohihoy You don't need an inverter for S.Port on softserial

dolphin78 commented 6 years ago

If anybody's interested here's a custom firmware for genuine Omnibus F4 V3 with software I2C enabled on PWM5(SCL) and PWM6(SDA). This frees up UART3 as you can use PWM5/PWM6 instead of SCL/TX3 and SDA/RX3 for I2C. This firmware is based on OMNIBUSF4PRO instead of OMNIBUSF4V3 as I had major issues with compass orientation (BN-880) with original OMNIBUSF4V3 firmware.

Download link: inav_1.8.0_OMNIBUSF4V3_I2C_REMAP.hex

Source code:

Big thanks to @andriylysenko for this great idea to move I2C instead of using SOFTSERIAL.

KnuckleUpFPV commented 6 years ago

Dolphin you are awesome. I'm currently soldered to the micro pads on bottom that I scraped clean. I will likely pull them and move them over with your build. Thank you for this. You are an absolute help to the community offering a solution like this.

yohihoy commented 6 years ago

@dolphin78 Do we need to enter some cli command, so this not working out of the box? Configurator doesnt see the compass. When I set magnetometer hardware to auto it reset it to none.

Check my settings and resources # version # INAV/OMNIBUSF4V3_I2C_REMAP 1.8.0 Feb 1 2018 / 11:56:07 (912d131) # resources # mixer # servo # servo mix # feature feature GPS feature TELEMETRY feature AIRMODE feature PWM_OUTPUT_ENABLE # beeper beeper -RUNTIME_CALIBRATION beeper -HW_FAILURE beeper -RX_LOST beeper -RX_LOST_LANDING beeper -DISARMING beeper -ARMING beeper -ARMING_GPS_FIX beeper -BAT_CRIT_LOW beeper -BAT_LOW beeper -GPS_STATUS beeper -RX_SET beeper -ACTION_SUCCESS beeper -ACTION_FAIL beeper -READY_BEEP beeper -MULTI_BEEPS beeper -DISARM_REPEAT beeper -ARMED beeper -SYSTEM_INIT beeper -ON_USB beeper -LAUNCH_MODE beeper -CAM_CONNECTION_OPEN beeper -CAM_CONNECTION_CLOSED # map # name # serial serial 0 2 115200 57600 0 115200 serial 2 32 115200 57600 0 115200 serial 5 68 115200 57600 0 115200 # led led 0 0,0::C:2 led 1 1,0::C:2 led 2 2,0::C:2 led 3 3,0::C:2 led 4 4,0::C:2 led 5 5,0::C:2 led 6 6,0::C:2 led 7 7,0::C:2 led 8 8,0::C:2 led 9 9,0::C:2 led 10 10,0::C:2 led 11 11,0::C:2 led 12 12,0::C:2 led 13 13,0::C:2 led 14 14,0::C:2 led 15 15,0::C:2 led 16 0,1::C:2 led 17 1,1::C:2 led 18 2,1::C:2 led 19 3,1::C:2 led 20 4,1::C:2 led 21 5,1::C:2 led 22 6,1::C:2 led 23 7,1::C:2 led 24 8,1::C:2 led 25 9,1::C:2 led 26 10,1::C:2 led 27 11,1::C:2 led 28 12,1::C:2 led 29 13,1::C:2 led 30 14,1::C:2 led 31 15,1::C:2 # color # mode_color mode_color 6 0 0 mode_color 6 1 0 # aux aux 0 0 0 1750 2100 aux 1 1 3 900 1700 aux 2 2 2 1750 2100 aux 3 3 4 1400 2100 aux 4 9 4 1725 2100 aux 5 11 1 1300 2100 # adjrange # rxrange # master set acc_hardware = MPU6000 set acczero_x = 196 set acczero_y = -9 set acczero_z = -669 set accgain_x = 4097 set accgain_y = 4076 set accgain_z = 4001 set mag_hardware = HMC5883 set magzero_z = -1 set baro_hardware = BMP280 set pitot_hardware = NONE set receiver_type = SERIAL set rssi_channel = 10 set serialrx_provider = SBUS set max_throttle = 1950 set motor_pwm_rate = 8000 set motor_pwm_protocol = MULTISHOT set failsafe_procedure = RTH set align_board_pitch = -4 set gps_sbas_mode = AUTO set nav_auto_speed = 1800 set nav_manual_speed = 1600 set nav_rth_altitude = 3500 set nav_mc_bank_angle = 37 set nav_mc_hover_thr = 1250 set smartport_uart_unidir = ON set osd_main_voltage_pos = 2124 set osd_rssi_pos = 2113 set osd_flytimer_pos = 50 set osd_flymode_pos = 2445 set osd_throttle_pos = 2295 set osd_crosshairs_pos = 2048 set osd_gps_speed_pos = 2328 set osd_gps_sats_pos = 2080 set osd_gps_lon_pos = 2501 set osd_gps_lat_pos = 2513 set osd_home_dir_pos = 2351 set osd_home_dist_pos = 2381 set osd_altitude_pos = 2104 set osd_ontime_flytime_pos = 2092 # IO: A00: FREE A01: FREE A02: MOTOR4 OUT A03: MOTOR3 OUT A04: MPU CS A05: SPI1 SCK A06: SPI1 MISO A07: SPI1 MOSI A08: FREE A09: SERIAL1 UART TX A10: SERIAL1 UART RX A11: USB IN A12: USB OUT A13: FREE A14: FREE A15: OSD CS B00: MOTOR1 OUT B01: MOTOR2 OUT B02: FREE B03: BARO CS B04: BEEPER OUT B05: LED1 OUT B06: FREE B07: SDCARD IN B08: FREE B09: FREE B10: SERIAL3 UART TX B11: SERIAL3 UART RX B12: SDCARD CS B13: SPI2 SCK B14: SPI2 MISO B15: SPI2 MOSI C00: FREE C01: FREE C02: ADC CH2 C03: FREE C04: MPU EXTI C05: FREE C06: SERIAL6 UART TX C07: SERIAL6 UART RX C08: INVERTER OUT C09: FREE C10: SPI3 SCK C11: SPI3 MISO C12: SPI3 MOSI C13: FREE C14: FREE C15: FREE D00: FREE D01: FREE D02: FREE D03: FREE D04: FREE D05: FREE D06: FREE D07: FREE D08: FREE D09: FREE D10: FREE D11: FREE D12: FREE D13: FREE D14: FREE D15: FREE
dolphin78 commented 6 years ago

no CLI command is needed. Did your compass work with this board on RX3/TX3 pins before you flashed this firmware?

yohihoy commented 6 years ago

Yes, it worked, but not now. Thank you for helping with this... Also I noticed that rx3/tx3 was released with fw you shared, and telemetry started to work on uart3. Cause my telem was connected to pwm5/6 and not worked with softserial here in INAV, now its ok on rxtx/3.

Ive just recalled that uart3 shared, so its already set to accept telem and other data.

dolphin78 commented 6 years ago

I'll compare your settings with mine when I get home today.

dolphin78 commented 6 years ago

@yohihoy, I don't see any issues with your config, below is mine for comparison.

I can think of only two things:

  1. try to swap SCL/SDA wires
  2. you may need pull up resistors on SDL/SDA lines

What is the compass you are using?

My working settings and resources `# diff` `# version` `# INAV/OMNIBUSF4V3_I2C_REMAP 1.8.0 Feb 1 2018 / 11:56:07 (912d131)` `# resources` `# mixer` `# servo` `# servo mix` `# feature` `feature GPS` `feature PWM_OUTPUT_ENABLE` `# beeper` `# map` `# name` `name Vlad's Quad` `# serial` `serial 0 2 115200 38400 0 115200` `serial 2 1 19200 38400 0 115200` `serial 5 64 115200 38400 0 115200` `# led` `# color` `# mode_color` `# aux` `aux 0 2 1 900 1450` `aux 1 3 2 1275 1675` `aux 2 9 2 1275 1675` `aux 3 8 2 1700 2100` `aux 4 19 3 1575 2100` `aux 5 23 0 1650 2100` `# adjrange` `# rxrange` `# master` `set gyro_sync = ON` `set gyro_hardware_lpf = 188HZ` `set gyro_lpf_hz = 90` `set gyro_notch1_hz = 200` `set gyro_notch1_cutoff = 100` `set acc_hardware = MPU6000` `set acczero_x = 117` `set acczero_y = 8` `set acczero_z = -77` `set accgain_x = 4115` `set accgain_y = 4076` `set accgain_z = 4011` `set align_mag = CW270FLIP` `set mag_hardware = HMC5883` `set magzero_x = 7` `set magzero_y = -181` `set magzero_z = 25` `set baro_hardware = BMP280` `set pitot_hardware = NONE` `set receiver_type = SERIAL` `set serialrx_provider = IBUS` `set min_throttle = 1025` `set max_throttle = 1900` `set motor_pwm_rate = 8000` `set motor_pwm_protocol = MULTISHOT` `set failsafe_procedure = RTH` `set gps_provider = UBLOX7` `set gps_sbas_mode = AUTO` `set nav_auto_speed = 833` `set nav_manual_speed = 833` `set nav_landing_speed = 500` `set nav_rth_alt_mode = MAX` `set nav_rth_altitude = 2000` `set osd_rssi_pos = 23` `set osd_throttle_pos = 65` `set osd_gps_speed_pos = 2104` `set osd_home_dir_pos = 2414` `set osd_altitude_pos = 2276` `set osd_vario_num_pos = 2295` `set osd_ontime_flytime_pos = 2048` `set osd_rtc_time_pos = 2072` `set tz_offset = -300` `# profile` `profile 1` `set mc_p_pitch = 58` `set mc_i_pitch = 50` `set mc_d_pitch = 35` `set mc_p_roll = 43` `set mc_i_roll = 40` `set mc_d_roll = 30` `set mc_p_yaw = 70` `set dterm_lpf_hz = 80` `set dterm_notch_hz = 200` `set dterm_notch_cutoff = 100` `set roll_rate = 67` `set pitch_rate = 67` `set yaw_rate = 67` `# resource` `IO:` `----------------------` `A00: FREE ` `A01: FREE ` `A02: MOTOR4 OUT` `A03: MOTOR3 OUT` `A04: MPU CS` `A05: SPI1 SCK` `A06: SPI1 MISO` `A07: SPI1 MOSI` `A08: FREE ` `A09: SERIAL1 UART TX` `A10: SERIAL1 UART RX` `A11: USB IN` `A12: USB OUT` `A13: FREE ` `A14: FREE ` `A15: OSD CS` `B00: MOTOR1 OUT` `B01: MOTOR2 OUT` `B02: FREE ` `B03: BARO CS` `B04: BEEPER OUT` `B05: LED1 OUT` `B06: FREE ` `B07: SDCARD IN` `B08: FREE ` `B09: FREE ` `B10: SERIAL3 UART TX` `B11: SERIAL3 UART RX` `B12: SDCARD CS` `B13: SPI2 SCK` `B14: SPI2 MISO` `B15: SPI2 MOSI` `C00: FREE ` `C01: FREE ` `C02: ADC CH2` `C03: FREE ` `C04: MPU EXTI` `C05: FREE ` `C06: FREE ` `C07: SERIAL6 UART RX` `C08: INVERTER OUT` `C09: FREE ` `C10: SPI3 SCK` `C11: SPI3 MISO` `C12: SPI3 MOSI` `C13: FREE ` `C14: FREE ` `C15: FREE ` `D00: FREE ` `D01: FREE ` `D02: FREE ` `D03: FREE ` `D04: FREE ` `D05: FREE ` `D06: FREE ` `D07: FREE ` `D08: FREE ` `D09: FREE ` `D10: FREE ` `D11: FREE ` `D12: FREE ` `D13: FREE ` `D14: FREE ` `D15: FREE `
yohihoy commented 6 years ago

Thank you for these tips.

  1. already tried
  2. need to check with resistors

Im using HMC5983 from Honeywell as part of gps "radiolink se100".

jdd1777 commented 6 years ago

Thank you dolphin78,Your hex worked perfect. Now i have everything I want working.

jasoneyes01 commented 6 years ago

Dolphin, I'm glad I found this! Setting up an S800 with V3 board and 880 GPS. Can I use UART3 TX for the Smart Audio on my VTX with this custom firmware?

dolphin78 commented 6 years ago

jasoneyes01, never tried it myself. You can try it and share results with others.

jasoneyes01 commented 6 years ago

The new V3 should be here this week, will post the results. Had alot of problems with the V2 PRO getting everything working not only to have the micro USB fall off the board. Plan B is the V3 board with 2 adjustable DC to DC Buck regulators for 6 volts and 10 volts to power servos and video.

jdd1777 commented 6 years ago

So dolphin, any plans on a 1.9. Thanks

evmoius commented 6 years ago

FYI I'm having the same issue with my compass as @yohihoy with your custom hex @dolphin78 . It's an improvement, as before trying it I couldn't have ANYTHING plugged into a UART other than my sbus. Trying to turn on anything else like GPS would cause my receiver to just quit.

Wondering if either of you ever figured out what was happening? Thanks for taking the time to make a custom solution though!

SebiCo commented 6 years ago

Big thanks to @dolphin78 for source code. inav_1.9.0_OMNIBUSF4V3_I2C_REMAP.hex