iNavFlight / inav

INAV: Navigation-enabled flight control software
GNU General Public License v3.0
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INAV FW 1.8.1 GPS no Lock #2871

Closed BadgerG closed 6 years ago

BadgerG commented 6 years ago

I have an SP Racing F3, most likely a clone. I have been fighting a GPS issue for a couple of weeks. I have tried 3 different SP Racing F3 boards and 3 different GPS units with similar results. Here is my setup:

SP Racing F3 FC INAV 1.8.1 FRSky X8R receiver (SBUS connection, UART 3) HolyBro M8N GPS module with compass (UART0) 3DR Telemetry radio (915 MHz, UART2) FRSky X9D Transmitter King Kong 260 Quad frame

I can plug the battery in and it takes 3 to 4 minutes with the quad by a window and the GPS modules blue lock light starts flashing. The INAV configurator (1.9) shows no indication of GPS lock (GPS icon is red). Then the quad will sound a lock tone and it will have GPS with anywhere from 7 to 12 sats.

Then a few seconds later it loses lock and the icon turns red again. The GPS still show a blinking blue light. Then every 1 or 2 minutes it will get lock for a few more second 10-15 seconds at the most. Cycling power on the quad fixes nothing. I can at that point take it outside and I get the exact same result accept it will show more satellites are locked. At times I can see it going from lock to no lock and back repeatedly even though the GPS module show a blue locked light.

I can take the same GPS unit and connect it to my Tarot 680 Pro with a Pixhawk and within 15 seconds it shows lock with 11+ satellites and never loses lock. It normally shows 13 to 18 satellites locked on the original GPS unit and this was able to lock on to 16 in the house. The other GPS modules act the same way on the SPR F3 and get significantly fast lock and sat number on the Pixhawk. So in this case this is not a problem with the GPS modules or the SPR F3.

I can arm the quad and fly it after turning off the extra arming checks, and it flies pretty well. Alt hold works but need tuning.

So to me in mho, is that the GPS code is not getting or using the information the GPS unit is sending or the configuration that is sent to the GPS is not the same as what the Pixhawk sends to the GPS module. So far I have never been able to get any GPS units to work anywhere near as good under INAV and APM.

Because of the way my ports are setup I have to disable the GPS and Mag in order to connect to the USB to get blackbox logs or settings dump, so I don’t have them.

One other thing is that I am using and external Mag on the GPS module and the mag appears to work just fine, with no I2C errors. I cut the trace to the internal mag. I did a compass calibration and it was successful. The Quad show good health except for the GPS not being locked. If this was just one FC board and 1 GPS unit I would say faulty hardware, but these are brand new FC and GPS modules.

At first I thought maybe the UART port had issues, but it works just fine for installing firmware to the boards at 115K baud so it is working fine. I really don’t want to point the finger at the firmware, but I don’t know what else could be causing perfectly good hardware not to work that works fine using different firmware on a different board.

This happens in INAV 1.9 and Mission planner for INAV.

shellixyz commented 6 years ago

Please post a dump of your settings

BadgerG commented 6 years ago

Okay I pull the quad apart so I can connect to the USB port to down load the dump.


INAV/SPRACINGF3 1.7.0 May 3 2017 / 11:12:57 (104b66c)



mixer QUADX

mmix reset


servo 0 1000 2000 1500 100 -1 servo 1 1000 2000 1500 100 -1 servo 2 1000 2000 1500 100 -1 servo 3 1000 2000 1500 100 -1 servo 4 1000 2000 1500 100 -1 servo 5 1000 2000 1500 100 -1 servo 6 1000 2000 1500 100 -1 servo 7 1000 2000 1500 100 -1

servo mix

smix reset


feature -RX_PPM feature -VBAT feature -RX_SERIAL feature -MOTOR_STOP feature -SERVO_TILT feature -SOFTSERIAL feature -GPS feature -TELEMETRY feature -CURRENT_METER feature -3D feature -RX_PARALLEL_PWM feature -RX_MSP feature -RSSI_ADC feature -LED_STRIP feature -DASHBOARD feature -BLACKBOX feature -CHANNEL_FORWARDING feature -TRANSPONDER feature -AIRMODE feature -SUPEREXPO feature -VTX feature -RX_SPI feature -SOFTSPI feature -PWM_SERVO_DRIVER feature -PWM_OUTPUT_ENABLE feature -OSD feature VBAT feature RX_SERIAL feature GPS feature TELEMETRY feature BLACKBOX feature PWM_OUTPUT_ENABLE




map AETR1234


serial 0 1 115200 38400 0 115200 serial 1 1 57600 38400 0 115200 serial 2 64 115200 38400 0 115200


led 0 0,0::C:0 led 1 0,0::C:0 led 2 0,0::C:0 led 3 0,0::C:0 led 4 0,0::C:0 led 5 0,0::C:0 led 6 0,0::C:0 led 7 0,0::C:0 led 8 0,0::C:0 led 9 0,0::C:0 led 10 0,0::C:0 led 11 0,0::C:0 led 12 0,0::C:0 led 13 0,0::C:0 led 14 0,0::C:0 led 15 0,0::C:0 led 16 0,0::C:0 led 17 0,0::C:0 led 18 0,0::C:0 led 19 0,0::C:0 led 20 0,0::C:0 led 21 0,0::C:0 led 22 0,0::C:0 led 23 0,0::C:0 led 24 0,0::C:0 led 25 0,0::C:0 led 26 0,0::C:0 led 27 0,0::C:0 led 28 0,0::C:0 led 29 0,0::C:0 led 30 0,0::C:0 led 31 0,0::C:0


color 0 0,0,0 color 1 0,255,255 color 2 0,0,255 color 3 30,0,255 color 4 60,0,255 color 5 90,0,255 color 6 120,0,255 color 7 150,0,255 color 8 180,0,255 color 9 210,0,255 color 10 240,0,255 color 11 270,0,255 color 12 300,0,255 color 13 330,0,255 color 14 0,0,0 color 15 0,0,0


mode_color 0 0 1 mode_color 0 1 11 mode_color 0 2 2 mode_color 0 3 13 mode_color 0 4 10 mode_color 0 5 3 mode_color 1 0 5 mode_color 1 1 11 mode_color 1 2 3 mode_color 1 3 13 mode_color 1 4 10 mode_color 1 5 3 mode_color 2 0 10 mode_color 2 1 11 mode_color 2 2 4 mode_color 2 3 13 mode_color 2 4 10 mode_color 2 5 3 mode_color 3 0 8 mode_color 3 1 11 mode_color 3 2 4 mode_color 3 3 13 mode_color 3 4 10 mode_color 3 5 3 mode_color 4 0 7 mode_color 4 1 11 mode_color 4 2 3 mode_color 4 3 13 mode_color 4 4 10 mode_color 4 5 3 mode_color 5 0 9 mode_color 5 1 11 mode_color 5 2 2 mode_color 5 3 13 mode_color 5 4 10 mode_color 5 5 3 mode_color 6 0 6 mode_color 6 1 10 mode_color 6 2 1 mode_color 6 3 0 mode_color 6 4 0 mode_color 6 5 2 mode_color 6 6 3 mode_color 6 7 6 mode_color 6 8 0 mode_color 6 9 0 mode_color 6 10 0


aux 0 0 1 1300 2100 aux 1 1 0 1325 1600 aux 2 2 0 1850 2100 aux 3 20 1 1800 2100 aux 4 5 3 1300 1700 aux 5 0 0 900 900 aux 6 0 0 900 900 aux 7 0 0 900 900 aux 8 0 0 900 900 aux 9 0 0 900 900 aux 10 0 0 900 900 aux 11 0 0 900 900 aux 12 0 0 900 900 aux 13 0 0 900 900 aux 14 0 0 900 900 aux 15 0 0 900 900 aux 16 0 0 900 900 aux 17 0 0 900 900 aux 18 0 0 900 900 aux 19 0 0 900 900


adjrange 0 0 0 900 900 0 0 adjrange 1 0 0 900 900 0 0 adjrange 2 0 0 900 900 0 0 adjrange 3 0 0 900 900 0 0 adjrange 4 0 0 900 900 0 0 adjrange 5 0 0 900 900 0 0 adjrange 6 0 0 900 900 0 0 adjrange 7 0 0 900 900 0 0 adjrange 8 0 0 900 900 0 0 adjrange 9 0 0 900 900 0 0 adjrange 10 0 0 900 900 0 0 adjrange 11 0 0 900 900 0 0


rxrange 0 1000 2000 rxrange 1 1000 2000 rxrange 2 1000 2000 rxrange 3 1000 2000


set looptime = 2000 set gyro_sync = OFF set gyro_sync_denom = 2 set align_gyro = DEFAULT set gyro_hardware_lpf = 42HZ set gyro_lpf_hz = 60 set moron_threshold = 32 set gyro_notch1_hz = 0 set gyro_notch1_cutoff = 1 set gyro_notch2_hz = 0 set gyro_notch2_cutoff = 1 set align_acc = DEFAULT set acc_hardware = MPU6050 set acc_lpf_hz = 15 set acczero_x = 228 set acczero_y = -54 set acczero_z = -377 set accgain_x = 4085 set accgain_y = 4072 set accgain_z = 3979 set rangefinder_hardware = NONE set align_mag = CW180 set mag_hardware = NONE set mag_declination = 0 set magzero_x = 8 set magzero_y = -102 set magzero_z = -91 set mag_calibration_time = 30 set baro_hardware = MS5611 set baro_use_median_filter = ON set mid_rc = 1500 set min_check = 1100 set max_check = 1900 set rssi_channel = 0 set rssi_scale = 30 set rssi_invert = OFF set rc_smoothing = ON set serialrx_provider = SBUS set sbus_inversion = ON set spektrum_sat_bind = 0 set rx_min_usec = 885 set rx_max_usec = 2115 set blackbox_rate_num = 1 set blackbox_rate_denom = 1 set blackbox_device = SPIFLASH set min_throttle = 1085 set max_throttle = 1850 set min_command = 1000 set motor_pwm_rate = 1000 set motor_pwm_protocol = ONESHOT125 set failsafe_delay = 5 set failsafe_recovery_delay = 5 set failsafe_off_delay = 200 set failsafe_throttle = 1000 set failsafe_throttle_low_delay = 100 set failsafe_procedure = SET-THR set failsafe_stick_threshold = 50 set failsafe_fw_roll_angle = -200 set failsafe_fw_pitch_angle = 100 set failsafe_fw_yaw_rate = -45 set align_board_roll = -24 set align_board_pitch = -15 set align_board_yaw = 900 set gimbal_mode = NORMAL set battery_capacity = 0 set vbat_scale = 110 set vbat_max_cell_voltage = 43 set vbat_min_cell_voltage = 33 set vbat_warning_cell_voltage = 35 set current_meter_scale = 400 set current_meter_offset = 0 set multiwii_current_meter_output = OFF set current_meter_type = ADC set yaw_motor_direction = 1 set yaw_jump_prevention_limit = 200 set 3d_deadband_low = 1406 set 3d_deadband_high = 1514 set 3d_neutral = 1460 set servo_center_pulse = 1500 set servo_pwm_rate = 50 set servo_lpf_hz = 20 set flaperon_throw_offset = 200 set tri_unarmed_servo = ON set reboot_character = 82 set imu_dcm_kp = 2500 set imu_dcm_ki = 50 set imu_dcm_kp_mag = 10000 set imu_dcm_ki_mag = 0 set small_angle = 25 set fixed_wing_auto_arm = OFF set disarm_kill_switch = ON set auto_disarm_delay = 5 set gps_provider = UBLOX set gps_sbas_mode = AUTO set gps_dyn_model = AIR_1G set gps_auto_config = ON set gps_auto_baud = ON set gps_min_sats = 6 set deadband = 5 set yaw_deadband = 5 set pos_hold_deadband = 20 set alt_hold_deadband = 50 set 3d_deadband_throttle = 50 set fw_autotune_overshoot_time = 100 set fw_autotune_undershoot_time = 200 set fw_autotune_threshold = 50 set fw_autotune_ff_to_p_gain = 10 set fw_autotune_ff_to_i_tc = 600 set inav_auto_mag_decl = ON set inav_gravity_cal_tolerance = 5 set inav_use_gps_velned = OFF set inav_gps_delay = 200 set inav_reset_altitude = FIRST_ARM set inav_max_sonar_altitude = 200 set inav_w_z_sonar_p = 3.500 set inav_w_z_sonar_v = 6.100 set inav_w_z_baro_p = 0.350 set inav_w_z_gps_p = 0.200 set inav_w_z_gps_v = 0.500 set inav_w_xy_gps_p = 1.000 set inav_w_xy_gps_v = 2.000 set inav_w_z_res_v = 0.500 set inav_w_xy_res_v = 0.500 set inav_w_acc_bias = 0.010 set inav_max_eph_epv = 1000.000 set inav_baro_epv = 100.000 set nav_disarm_on_landing = OFF set nav_use_midthr_for_althold = OFF set nav_extra_arming_safety = OFF set nav_user_control_mode = ATTI set nav_position_timeout = 5 set nav_wp_radius = 100 set nav_wp_safe_distance = 10000 set nav_auto_speed = 300 set nav_auto_climb_rate = 500 set nav_manual_speed = 500 set nav_manual_climb_rate = 200 set nav_landing_speed = 200 set nav_land_slowdown_minalt = 500 set nav_land_slowdown_maxalt = 2000 set nav_emerg_landing_speed = 500 set nav_min_rth_distance = 500 set nav_rth_climb_first = ON set nav_rth_climb_ignore_emerg = OFF set nav_rth_tail_first = OFF set nav_rth_allow_landing = ON set nav_rth_alt_mode = AT_LEAST set nav_rth_abort_threshold = 50000 set nav_rth_altitude = 1000 set nav_mc_bank_angle = 30 set nav_mc_hover_thr = 1500 set nav_mc_auto_disarm_delay = 2000 set nav_fw_cruise_thr = 1400 set nav_fw_min_thr = 1200 set nav_fw_max_thr = 1700 set nav_fw_bank_angle = 20 set nav_fw_climb_angle = 20 set nav_fw_dive_angle = 15 set nav_fw_pitch2thr = 10 set nav_fw_loiter_radius = 5000 set nav_fw_launch_velocity = 300 set nav_fw_launch_accel = 1863 set nav_fw_launch_detect_time = 40 set nav_fw_launch_thr = 1700 set nav_fw_launch_idle_thr = 1000 set nav_fw_launch_motor_delay = 500 set nav_fw_launch_spinup_time = 100 set nav_fw_launch_timeout = 5000 set nav_fw_launch_climb_angle = 18 set telemetry_switch = OFF set telemetry_inversion = ON set frsky_default_latitude = 0.000 set frsky_default_longitude = 0.000 set frsky_coordinates_format = 0 set frsky_unit = IMPERIAL set frsky_vfas_precision = 0 set frsky_vfas_cell_voltage = OFF set hott_alarm_sound_interval = 5 set smartport_uart_unidir = OFF set ibus_telemetry_type = 0 set ltm_update_rate = NORMAL set ledstrip_visual_beeper = OFF set i2c_overclock = OFF set debug_mode = NONE set acc_task_frequency = 500 set attitude_task_frequency = 250 set async_mode = NONE set throttle_tilt_comp_str = 0 set input_filtering_mode = OFF set mode_range_logic_operator = OR


profile 1

set mc_p_pitch = 45 set mc_i_pitch = 30 set mc_d_pitch = 23 set mc_p_roll = 45 set mc_i_roll = 30 set mc_d_roll = 23 set mc_p_yaw = 85 set mc_i_yaw = 45 set mc_d_yaw = 0 set mc_p_level = 20 set mc_i_level = 15 set mc_d_level = 75 set fw_p_pitch = 5 set fw_i_pitch = 7 set fw_ff_pitch = 50 set fw_p_roll = 5 set fw_i_roll = 7 set fw_ff_roll = 50 set fw_p_yaw = 6 set fw_i_yaw = 10 set fw_ff_yaw = 60 set fw_p_level = 20 set fw_i_level = 5 set fw_d_level = 75 set max_angle_inclination_rll = 300 set max_angle_inclination_pit = 300 set dterm_lpf_hz = 40 set yaw_lpf_hz = 30 set dterm_setpoint_weight = 0.000 set fw_iterm_throw_limit = 165 set fw_reference_airspeed = 0 set dterm_notch_hz = 0 set dterm_notch_cutoff = 1 set pidsum_limit = 500 set yaw_p_limit = 300 set iterm_ignore_threshold = 200 set yaw_iterm_ignore_threshold = 50 set rate_accel_limit_roll_pitch = 0 set rate_accel_limit_yaw = 10000 set heading_hold_rate_limit = 90 set nav_mc_pos_z_p = 50 set nav_mc_pos_z_i = 0 set nav_mc_pos_z_d = 0 set nav_mc_vel_z_p = 100 set nav_mc_vel_z_i = 50 set nav_mc_vel_z_d = 10 set nav_mc_pos_xy_p = 65 set nav_mc_pos_xy_i = 120 set nav_mc_pos_xy_d = 10 set nav_mc_vel_xy_p = 180 set nav_mc_vel_xy_i = 15 set nav_mc_vel_xy_d = 100 set nav_fw_pos_z_p = 50 set nav_fw_pos_z_i = 0 set nav_fw_pos_z_d = 0 set nav_fw_pos_xy_p = 75 set nav_fw_pos_xy_i = 5 set nav_fw_pos_xy_d = 8 set rc_expo = 70 set rc_yaw_expo = 20 set thr_mid = 50 set thr_expo = 0 set roll_rate = 50 set pitch_rate = 60 set yaw_rate = 20 set tpa_rate = 0 set tpa_breakpoint = 1500

shellixyz commented 6 years ago

In your summary your were saying you are using 1.8.1 but it doesn't exist, only 1.8(.0). Then at the end of your first comment you are saying it is happening in iNav 1.9. But in your second comment it is written in your config dump that you are using version 1.7.0. I'm confused.

In your config dump you have no serial port configured with the GPS function. Wrong dump ?

BadgerG commented 6 years ago

I install 1.7 to see if the problem happens in a lower version. I had the same issue with 1.8.

BadgerG commented 6 years ago

I use the same port for GPS, so I have to unplug the GPS and MAG in order to down load using the USB. Otherwise it takes hours to get the data downloaded.

BadgerG commented 6 years ago

I explained all the in my first post.

BadgerG commented 6 years ago

Here is a video of what is happening. It is a Youtube video.

shellixyz commented 6 years ago

Please post a config dump where you have the GPS configured. It is not a good idea to have the GPS on UART1. What are you using the other UARTs for ? My guess is that it is what is causing your issue.

BadgerG commented 6 years ago

I used the 3DR radio to get this dump so it tends to loose characters, so that is way I use the UBS to down load.


INAV/SPRACINGF3 1.7.0 May 3 2017 / 11:12:57 (104b66c)



mixer QUADX

mmix reset


servo 0 1000 2000 1500 100 -1 servo 1 1000 2000 1500 100 -1 servo 2 1000 2000 1500 100 -1 servo 3 1000 2000 1500 100 -1 servo 4 1000 2000 1500 100 -1 servo 5 1000 2000 1500 100 -1 servo 6 1000 2000 1500 100 -1 servo 7 1000 2000 1500 100 -1

servo mix

smix reset


feature -RX_PPM feature -VBAT feature -RX_SERIAL feature -MOTOR_STOP feature -SERVO_TILT feature -SOFTSERIAL feature -GPS feature -TELEMETRY feature -CURRENT_METER feature -3D feature -RX_PARALLEL_PWM feature -RX_MSP feature -RSSI_ADC feature -LED_STRIP feature -DASHBOARD feature -BLACKBOX feature -CHANNEL_FORWARDING feature -TRANSPONDER feature -AIRMODE feature -SUPEREXPO feature -VTX feature -RX_SPI feature -SOFTSPI feature -PWM_SERVO_DRIVER feature -PWM_OUTPUT_ENABLE feature -OSD feature VBAT feature RX_SERIAL feature GPS feature TELEMETRY feature BLACKBOX feature PWM_OUTPUT_ENABLE




map AETR1234


serial 0 2 115200 115200 0 115200 serial 1 1 57600 38400 0 115200 serial 2 64 115200 38400 0 115200


led 0 0,0::C:0 led 1 0,0::C:0 led 2 0,0::C:0 led 3 0,0::C:0 led 4 0,0::C:0 led 5 0,0::C:0 led 6 0,0::C:0 led 7 0,0::C:0 led 8 0,0::C:0 led 9 0,0::C:0 led 10 0,0::C:0 led 11 0,0::C:0 led 12 0,0::C:0 led 13 0,0::C:0 led 14 0,0::C:0 led 15 0,0::C:0 led 16 0,0::C:0 led 17 0,0::C:0 led 18 0,0::C:0 led 19 0,0::C:0 led 20 0,0::C:0 led 21 0,0::C:0 led 22 0,0::C:0 led 23 0,0::C:0 led 24 0,0::C:0 led 25 0,0::C:0 led 26 0,0::C:0 led 27 0,0::C:0 led 28 0,0::C:0 led 29 0,0::C:0 led 30 0,0::C:0 led 31 0,0::C:0


color 0 0,0,0 color 1 0,255,255 color 2 0,0,255 color 3 30,0,255 color 4 60,0,255 color 5 90,0,255 color 6 120,0,255 color 7 150,0,255 color 8 180,0,255 color 9 210,0,255 color 10 240,0,255 color 11 270,0,255 color 12 300,0,255 color 13 330,0,255 color 14 0,0,0 color 15 0,0,0


mode_color 0 0 1 mode_color 0 1 11 mode_color 0 2 2 mode_color 0 3 13 mode_color 0 4 10 mode_color 0 5 3 mode_color 1 0 5 mode_color 1 1 11 mode_color 1 2 3 mode_color 1 3 13 mode_color 1 4 10 mode_color 1 5 3 mode_color 2 0 10 mode_color 2 1 11 mode_color 2 2 4 mode_color 2 3 13 mode_color 2 4 10 mode_color 2 5 3 mode_color 3 0 8 mode_color 3 1 11 mode_color 3 2 4 mode_color 3 3 13 mode_color 3 4 10 mode_color 3 5 3 mode_color 4 0 7 mode_color 4 1 11 mode_color 4 2 3 mode_color 4 3 13 mode_color 4 4 10 mode_color 4 5 3 mode_color 5 0 9 mode_color 5 1 11 mode_color 5 2 2 mode_color 5 3 13 mode_color 5 4 10 mode_color 5 5 3 mode_color 6 0 6 mode_color 6 1 10 mode_color 6 2 1 mode_color 6 3 0 mode_color 6 4 0 mode_color 6 5 2 mode_color 6 6 3 mode_color 6 7 6 mode_color 6 8 0 mode_color 6 9 0 mode_color 6 10 0


aux 0 0 1 1300 2100 aux 1 1 0 1325 1600 aux 2 2 0 1850 2100 aux 3 20 1 1800 2100 aux 4 5 3 1300 1700 aux 5 0 0 900 900 aux 6 0 0 900 900 aux 7 0 0 900 900 aux 8 0 0 900 900 aux 9 0 0 900 900 aux 10 0 0 900 900 aux 11 0 0 900 900 aux 12 0 0 900 900 aux 13 0 0 900 900 aux 14 0 0 900 900 aux 15 0 0 900 900 aux 16 0 0 900 900 aux 17 0 0 900 900 aux 18 0 0 900 900 aux 19 0 0 900 900


adjrange 0 0 0 900 900 0 0 adjrange 1 0 0 900 900 0 900 900 0 0 adjrange 5 0 0 900 900 0 0 adjrange 6 0 0 900 900 0 0 adjrange 7 0 0 9e rxrange 0 1000 2000 rxrange 1 1000 2000 rxrange 2 1000 2000 rxrange 3 1000 2000

mastn_gyro = DEFAULT

set gyro_hardware_lpf = 42HZ set gyro_lpf_hz = 60 set moron_threshold = 32 set gyro_notch1_hz = 0lign_acc = DEFAULT set acc_hardware = MPU6050 set acc_lpf_hz = 15 set acczero_x = 228n_z = 3979 set rangefinder_hardware = NONE set align_mag = CW180 set mag_hardware = HMC5883 set mag_declinatio_time = 30 set baro_hardware = MS5611 set baro_use_median_filter = ON set mid_rc = 1500 set min_check = 1100 set rc_smoothing = ON set serialrx_provider = SBUS set sbusinversion = ON set spektrum= 1085 set max_throttle = 1850 set min_command = 1000 set motor_pwm_rat5 set failsafe_recovery_delay = 5 set failsafe_off_delay = 200 set failsafe_throttle = 1000 set failsafe_throttle_et failsafe_fw_roll_angle = -200 set failsafe_fw_pitch_angle = 100 set failsafe_fw_yaw_rgimbal_mode = NORMAL set battery_capacity = 0 set vbat_scale = 110 set vbat_max_cell_voltage = 43 set vbat_minset current_meter_offset = 0 set multiwii_current_meter_output = OFF set current_meter_type = ADC set yaw_motor_dirband_high = 1514 set 3d_neutral = 1460 set servo_center_pulse = 1500 set servo_pwm_ra2500 set imu_dcm_ki = 50 set imu_dcm_kp_mag = 10000 set imu_dcm_ki_mag = 0 set small_angle rm_delay = 5 set gps_provider = UBLOX set gps_sbas_mode = AUTO set gps_dyn_model = AIR_1G set gps_auto_config = ON set pos_hold_deadband = 20 set alt_hold_deadband = 50 set 3d_deadband_throttle = 50 sold = 50 set fw_autotune_ff_to_p_gain = 10 set fw_autotune_ff_to_i_tc = 600 set inav_auto_mag_decl = ON set inet inav_reset_altitude = FIRST_ARM set inav_max_sonar_altitude = 200 set inav_w_z_sonar_p = 3.500 set inav_w_z_songps_v = 0.500 set inav_w_xy_gps_p = 1.000 set inav_w_xy_gps_v = 2.000 set inav_w_z = OFF set nav_use_midthr_for_althold = OFF set nav_extra_arming_safety 5 set nav_wp_radius = 100 set nav_wp_safe_distance = 10000 set nav_auto_speed = 300 set nav_auto_climb_rate = 5000 set nav_land_slowdown_minalt = 500 set nav_land_slowdown_maxalt = 2000 set nav_emerg_b_ignore_emerg = OFF set nav_rth_tail_first = OFF set nav_rth_allow_landing = ON set nav_rth_alt_mode = AT_LEASgle = 30 set nav_mc_hover_thr = 1500 set nav_mc_auto_disarm_delay = 2000 set nav_fw_cruise_thr = 1400 set nav_fw_mangle = 20 set nav_fw_dive_angle = 15 set nav_fw_pitch2thr = 10 set nav_fw_loiter_rad 1700 set nav_fw_launch_idle_thr = 1000 set nav_fw_launch_motor_delay = 500 set nav_fw_launc_angle = 18 set telemetry_switch = OFF set telemetry_inversion = ON set frsky_defaultlatitude = 0.000 set frsky set frsky_vfas_precision = 0 set frsky_vfas_cell_voltage = OFF set hott_alarm_sound_inRMAL set ledstrip_visual_beeper = OFF set i2c_overclock = OFF set debug_mode = NONE set acc_task_frequency = 5r = 0 set input_filtering_mode = OFF set mode_range_logic_operator = OR


profile 1

set mc_p_pitch = t mc_d_roll = 23 set mc_p_yaw = 85 set mc_i_yaw = 45 set mc_d_yaw = 0 set mc_p_level50 set fw_p_yaw = 6 set fw_i_yaw = 10 set fw_ff_yaw = 60 set fw_p_levenation_rll = 300 set max_angle_inclination_pit = 300 set dterm_lpf_hz = 40 set yaw_lpf_hz = 30 set dterm_setpoint_m_notch_hz = 0 set dterm_notch_cutoff = 1 set pidsum_limit = 500 set yaw_p_limit = 300itch = 0 set rate_accel_limit_yaw = 10000 set heading_hold_rate_limit = 90 set nav_mc_pos_z_p = 50 set navmc set nav_mc_vel_z_d = 10 set nav_mc_pos_xy_p = 65 set nav_mc_pos_xy_i = 120 set nav_mc_pos_xy_d = 10 set nav_mc_ve50 set nav_fw_pos_z_i = 0 set nav_fw_pos_z_d = 0 set nav_fw_pos_xy_p = 75 set nav_fwset pitch_rate = 60 set yaw_rate = 20 set tpa_rate = 0 set tpa_breakpoint = 1500

BadgerG commented 6 years ago

I changed the port setup so that the GPS is using UART2 and the problem is still there. 3D lock with 18 sats and it still keeps loosing lock every 3-4 seconds, then it comes back almost immediately.

shellixyz commented 6 years ago

Maybe its caused by interference from your 3DR modem. Did you try without it ?

BadgerG commented 6 years ago

Using UART2 does work better, it doesn't totally lose GPS, but the error count on the GPS page is high. 1744 error out of 25000 messages.

BadgerG commented 6 years ago

Then there is no way to see if the GPS has a good lock without the 3DR radio, so no there is no way to do that. Can the USB be used while a battery is connected?

shellixyz commented 6 years ago

Yes you can use the USB port with a battery connected but to use the USB port you will need the GPS connected on UART2.

BadgerG commented 6 years ago

Okay I connected without the 3DR radio and the results are the same.

shellixyz commented 6 years ago

How is your GPS powered ? Are you sure its supply voltage is the right voltage and clean ?

BadgerG commented 6 years ago

The power is coming from the FC. I don't think the power is a problem. The UBEC supplies 1.5 amps to the FC, reciever, and one 4 led light.

shellixyz commented 6 years ago

Well I don't know what the issue could be. I never had any issue making M8N GPS modules communicate with iNav.

digitalentity commented 6 years ago

@BadgerG since the issue is opened for version 1.8.1 please provide a relevant dump. Try also connecting your GPS unit to UART2 and configure accordingly.

BadgerG commented 6 years ago

The FW version is actual 1.7. The GPS is already connected to UART2 and I have already posted a dump. The problem is not as bad using port 2. Lock is achieved more quickly. However it still looses lock every few second for about 1/2 second repeatedly.

shellixyz commented 6 years ago

Looks like it is linked to the HolyBro M8N GPS module. Another user has the same issue see #2840.

Thieu-s commented 6 years ago

I have exactly the same problem as in the video above. On 2 different crafts, both with an Omnibus F4 Pro (one original and one clone) and 2 different M8N GPS modules from HobbyKing. Tested on different firmware 1.8 and 1.9. I've tested litterly all posible settings for GPS... All the same... Even with nothing else connected, just the fc with the gps, powered by usb or lipo, same result...

In the upper left corner the osd shows the blinking sats...

jelle737 commented 6 years ago

@Thieu-s @BadgerG I commented with my findings, could that help you out solving the problem?

stale[bot] commented 6 years ago

This issue / pull request has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had any activity in 60 days. The resources of the INAV team are limited, and so we are asking for your help. This issue / pull request will be closed if no further activity occurs within two weeks.

stale[bot] commented 6 years ago

Automatically closing as inactive.