Open orydatadudes opened 3 years ago
ProcessedVideoDataset return the following output: sample = { "images": images, "smpls": smpls, "masks": masks } so "bg" , "offsets" ,"links_ids" are not include but during the training(evaluate) (, line 643) "bg" is needed
with torch.no_grad(): images = inputs["images"].to(device, non_blocking=True) bg = inputs["bg"].to(device, non_blocking=True) smpls = inputs["smpls"].to(device, non_blocking=True) masks = inputs["masks"].to(device, non_blocking=True) offsets = inputs["offsets"].to(device, non_blocking=True) links_ids = inputs["links_ids"].to(device, non_blocking=True) if "links_ids" in inputs else what should i do
thank you
have u found any solution?
I change the dataset load code( iPERCore/data/ ) and it works:
def _load_pairs(self, vid_info):
ns = self._opt.num_source
length = vid_info["length"]
ft_ids = vid_info["ft_ids"]
replace = ns >= len(ft_ids)
src_ids = list(np.random.choice(ft_ids, ns, replace=replace))
src_ids[0] = ft_ids[0]
tsf_ids = list(np.random.choice(length, self._opt.time_step, replace=False))
# take the source and target ids
pair_ids = src_ids + tsf_ids
smpls = vid_info["smpls"][pair_ids]
images = []
masks = []
image_dir = vid_info["img_dir"]
images_names = vid_info["images"]
alphas_paths = vid_info["alpha_paths"]
pseudo_bgs = []
offsets = vid_info["offsets"]
bg_dir = vid_info["bg_dir"]
for t in pair_ids:
image_path = os.path.join(image_dir, images_names[t])
image = cv_utils.read_cv2_img(image_path)
mask = cv_utils.read_mask(alphas_paths[t], self._opt.image_size)
# front is 0, and background is 1
mask = 1.0 - mask
bg_img_paths = []
for s_id in src_ids:
name = images_names[s_id]
bg_name = name.split(".")[0] + "_replaced.png"
bg_path = os.path.join(bg_dir, bg_name)
for bg_path in bg_img_paths:
bg_img = cv_utils.read_cv2_img(bg_path)
bg_img = cv_utils.normalize_img(bg_img, image_size=self._opt.image_size, transpose=True)
pseudo_bgs = np.stack(pseudo_bgs)
return images, smpls, masks, offsets, pseudo_bgs
def __getitem__(self, index):
index (int): the sample index of self._dataset_size.
sample (dict): the data sample, it contains the following informations:
--images (torch.Tensor): (ns + nt, 3, h, w), here `ns` and `nt` are the number of source and targets;
--masks (torch.Tensor): (ns + nt, 1, h, w);
--smpls (torch.Tensor): (ns + nt, 85);
vid_info = self._vids_info[index % self._num_videos]
images, smpls, masks, offsets, pseudo_bgs = self._load_pairs(vid_info)
# pack data
sample = {
"images": images,
"smpls": smpls,
"masks": masks,
"offsets": offsets,
sample = self._transform(sample)
return sample
ProcessedVideoDataset return the following output: sample = { "images": images, "smpls": smpls, "masks": masks } so "bg" , "offsets" ,"links_ids" are not include but during the training(evaluate) (, line 643) "bg" is needed
thank you