Thanks for sharing your nice work!
I meet a problem that I cannot unzip the dataset downloaded from Onedrive. When I run <tar -zxvf images_HD.tar.gz> or <tar -xvf images_HD.tar.gz>, the error arises:
gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--format violated
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
I tried to download twice but still met the some problem. Could you give me some advice to solve this problem?
Thanks for sharing your nice work! I meet a problem that I cannot unzip the dataset downloaded from Onedrive. When I run <tar -zxvf images_HD.tar.gz> or <tar -xvf images_HD.tar.gz>, the error arises:
I tried to download twice but still met the some problem. Could you give me some advice to solve this problem?