iPaulPro / aFileChooser

[DEPRECATED] Android library that provides a file explorer to let users select files on external storage.
Apache License 2.0
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How to access External and Internal both Storage #59

Open pratikbutani opened 10 years ago

pratikbutani commented 10 years ago

Is there any way to use both External and Internal both path. how to achieve on Click of "Selelct a File"

rubdottocom commented 9 years ago

Hi! Did you solve this case?

riten7 commented 8 years ago

Did anyone solve this issue ??

svenoaks commented 8 years ago

One way is just start browsing at root "/" instead of getExternalStorageDirectory(), and let the user browse to the secondary sd card path (not really too good, since many users won't know where it is). This won't work on Android 7.0 though as you can't view the root directory.

There are various posts on stackoverflow on how to get paths to the primary and secondary storages, though none I have found are very good (they are all hackey). File explorer apps seem to be able to do it though, so if you found a reliable way you could make it so "Choose A File" loaded the paths to all the storages at the top directory instead of getExternalStorageDirectory()

Rebac3 commented 6 years ago

How did you solve the problem