iPoetDev / MiniTicTacToe

MiniTicTacToe - NativeJS: UI - Client Controller - OOP Model/'Server'
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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[CODE] :: App Class Re-Architected from External Origin: An API Reference & Guide #8

Open iPoetDev opened 10 months ago

iPoetDev commented 10 months ago


Outline | Architecture | Modality: OOO JavaScript: Class Version: 2.1 Components:

  1. HTML: Script tag
  2. JS: Internal Script : verses
  3. JS: External User Custom Code File Name
    2: game.html or game.js


NOTICE: External Original Code as Source

This code's orignal author is: Scott Windon: GitHub This code's version 1.0 was found on a CodePen: here This code was refactored and improve upon to port it from version 1.0 to a version 2.0

Decision: Why Reuse

Why is this different

Original Code

function app() {
    return {
        turns: 0,
        won: false,
        winSeq: ['012','345','678','036','147','258','048','246'],
        grid: Array.apply(null, Array(9)).map(function (v,i) { return null}),
        xChars: ['x','X'],
        oChars: ['o','O'],
        xTurns: '',
        oTurns: '',
        select: function(index) {
            if(this.won || this.grid[index] !== null || this.turns>=9) return;
            if( this.turns % 2 == 0 ) {
                this.grid[index] = this.xChars[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.xChars.length)];
                this.xTurns += index;
            } else {
                this.grid[index] = this.oChars[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.oChars.length)];
                this.oTurns += index;
        checkWinner: function() {
            for(let i = 0, length = this.winSeq.length; i < length; i++){
                if( new RegExp(`[${this.winSeq[i]}]{3}`).test(this.xTurns.replace(new RegExp(`[^${this.winSeq[i]}]+`,'g'),'')) ) {
                    this.won = 'X';
                } else if( new RegExp(`[${this.winSeq[i]}]{3}`).test(this.oTurns.replace(new RegExp(`[^${this.winSeq[i]}]+`,'g'),'')) ) {
                    this.won = 'O';
            return this.won;
        reset: function() {
            this.turns = 0;
            this.won = false;
            this.grid = Array.apply(null, Array(9)).map(function (v,i) { return null});
            this.xTurns = '';
            this.oTurns = '';

New Code:


Retain Concepts

Syntactical sugar from source code retained.

Code Use Improvements

Original New Notes
grid: Array.apply(null, Array(9)).map(function (v,i) { return null}) this._grid = Alpine.reactive(new Array(App.MAX_LENGTH).fill(null)) // ES6 Arrow Function 1: Apline.reactive
Fill an array over map(function) and return null for initialising an array.
--- --- ---
this.won = 'X'; this._won = App.P1 Remove hard coded values
Use of App.P1 | App.P2 for instance/class method getters of class properties (X or O)


Properties: Get/Set

class App {

     * Gets the Player 1 Token.
     * @returns {string} The name of the property for turns.
     * @static
    static get P1 () {
        return 'X'

     * Gets the Player 1 Token.
     * @returns {string} The name of the property for turns.
     * @static
    // noinspection FunctionNamingConventionJS
    static get P2 () {
        return 'O'

     * Gets the name of the property for keeping track off the number of X turns.
     * @returns {string} The name of the property for X turns.
     * @static
    // noinspection FunctionNamingConventionJS
    static get X_TURNS_PROP () {
        return 'xTurns'

     * Gets the name of the property for keeping track of the number of O turns.
     * @returns {string} The name of the property for O turns.
     * @static
    // noinspection FunctionNamingConventionJS
    static get O_TURNS_PROP () {
        return '._oTurns'

     * Returns the maximum (array/grid cell) length allowed for the grid
     * @returns {number} The maximum length allowed.
     * @static
    // noinspection FunctionNamingConventionJS
    static get MAX_LENGTH () {
        return 9

     * Returns the initialisation value for turns.
     * @returns {number} The value for TURN_INIT.
     * @static
    // noinspection FunctionNamingConventionJS
    static get TURN_INIT () {
        return 0

     * Returns the initialisation value for turns.
     * @returns {array} The value for private _grid.
   get GRID () {
        return this._grid

     * Returns the initialisation value for turns.
     * @returns {boolean} The value for private _won.
   get WON () {
        return this._won

     * Returns the initialisation value for turns.
     * @returns {number} The value for current private _turns.
   get TURNS () {
        return this._turns

App Class & Constructor

class App {
     * Constructor for the App class.
     * Initializes the App object with default values and reactivity, for
     * - turns,
     * - win state,
     * - win sequences,
     * - game grid,
     * - x characters | o characters.
     * The constructor also logs the instantiation of the ...
     *      App object to the console.
     * @url https://alpinejs.dev/advanced/reactivity
     * @constructor
    // noinspection FunctionNamingConventionJS
    constructor () {
        console.log('Instantiate App:', this) // jshint ignore:line
        /** @access private */
        this._turns = App.TURN_INIT
        /** @access private */
        this._won = false // The default check win state of the game
        /** @access private */
        this.winSeq = [
            '678', // HorizontalWins
            '147', // DiagonalWins
        ] // VerticalWins
        // noinspection JSUnresolvedReference, ChainedFunctionCallJS, NestedFunctionCallJS
        /** @access public */
        this._grid = Alpine.reactive(new Array(App.MAX_LENGTH).fill(null)) // ES6 Arrow Function
        // noinspection JSUnresolvedReference
        /** @access public */
        this._xChars = Alpine.reactive(['x', 'X'])
        // noinspection JSUnresolvedReference
        /** @access public */
        this._oChars = Alpine.reactive(['o', 'O'])
        /** @access public */
        this._xTurns = ''
        /** @access public */
        this._oTurns = ''

App Public Methods


class App {
     * Selects a cell, bu index, on the game board.
     * @function select
     * @param {number} index - The index of the cell to be selected.
     * @returns {string} - Game Token for X || Y.
     * @desc  It logs the selected index, checks if the move is invalid, and returns the game token for X or Y.
     * If the move is invalid, it logs an error message and returns the current item from the grid. //
     * If the move is valid, it updates the turns and grid, checks if the game has been won, logs a success message,
     * and returns the updated item/token from the grid.
     * */
    select (index) {
        console.log('The selected index:', index) // jshint ignore:line
        // Check if move is invalid, and proceed to next turn if the return is false,
        if (this._isInvalidMove(index)) {
            console.log('Invalid Move: ', index) // jshint ignore:line
            return this._grid[index]
        } else {
            // Update the turns and grid
            this._turns += 1
            // Check if the game has been won
            const isWinner = this.checkWinner()
            // Return the updated item from grid
            console.log('Valid Move: ', this._turns, this._grid[index], isWinner) // jshint ignore:line
            return this._grid[index] // @Update 23/12/06 to return updated item/token from grid


     * Checks if the sequence of turns is a winner.
     * @function checkWinner
     * @returns {boolean} True if the sequence of turns is a winner.
     * @desc checks for a winner in a game. It iterates over a list of winning sequences and calls the
     * _checkSequenceWin method to check if either player has won.
     * If Player 1 has won, the won variable is set to App.P1 (indicating Player 1's victory).
     * If Player 2 has won, the won variable is set to App.P2 (indicating Player 2's victory).
     * The method returns the value of the won variable, indicating the winner of the game.
     * */

    checkWinner () {
        for (const sequence of this.winSeq) {
            if (this._checkSequenceWin(this._xTurns, sequence)) {
                this._won = App.P1 // Player 1 wins | X wins
            } else if (this._checkSequenceWin(this._oTurns, sequence)) {
                this._won = App.P2 // Player 2 wins | O wins
        return this._won


     * Reset the game state to its initial values.
     * @function reset
     * @return {void}
     * @desc that resets the game state to its initial values.
     * - Resets turns to a predefined value
     * - Reset won to false.
     * - Reset grid to an empty array.
     * - Reset _xTurns and _oTurns to empty strings.
     * */
    reset () {
        this._turns = App.TURN_INIT
        this._won = false
        // noinspection ChainedFunctionCallJS,NestedFunctionCallJS,JSUnresolvedReference
        this._grid = Alpine.reactive(new Array(App.MAX_LENGTH).fill(null))
        this._xTurns = ''
        this._oTurns = ''

App Private Methods


     * Returns a random character from the given character array.
     * @design
     *  This randomiser allows variation of the game token sizes (lower case/upper case).
     *  It mimics variation in hand strokes when hand drawing the game tokens.
     * @function _getRandomCharacter
     * @param {Array} characterArray - The array containing characters.
     * @return {string} - A random character from the character array.
    _getRandomCharacter (characterArray) {
        // noinspection LocalVariableNamingConventionJS,NestedFunctionCallJS
        /** An inner function/closure for generating a random index. Improve maintainability/readability.
         * @function {arrow function} _getRandomIndex
         * @param {number} arrayLength
        const _getRandomIndex = arrayLength => Math.floor(Math.random() * arrayLength)
        const index = _getRandomIndex(characterArray.length)
        return characterArray[index]

_updateTurnsAndGrid (index, characterArray, turnProperty)

     * Update the turns and grid at the specified index
     * with a random character from the characterArray.
     * @function _updateTurnsAndGrid
     * @param {number} index - The index of the grid to update.
     * @param {Array} characterArray - The array of characters to choose from.
     * @param {string} turnProperty - The property to update the turns with.
     * @return {undefined}
     * @desc It takes in three parameters: index, characterArray, and turnProperty.
     * It updates the grid array at the specified index with a random character from the characterArray and ...
     * increments the value of the turnProperty by index.
    _updateTurnsAndGrid (index, characterArray, turnProperty) {
        this._grid[index] = this._getRandomCharacter(characterArray)
        this[turnProperty] += index

_isInvalidMove (index)

     * Determines if the turn is even and updates the turns and grid accordingly.
     * @function _isEvenTurn
     * @param {number} index - The index of the grid to be updated.
     * @return {undefined}
     * @desc determines if the turn is even and updates the turns and grid accordingly.
     * It takes an input parameter index which represents the index of the grid to be updated.
     * It calculates whether the turn is even by checking if the remainder of the division of `this._turns`
     * by 2 is equal to 0. If the turn is even, it assigns certain values to variables char and prop.
    _isEvenTurn (index) {
        const isEvenTurn = this._turns % 2 === 0
        // noinspection ConditionalExpressionJS
        const char = isEvenTurn ? this._xChars : this._oChars
        // noinspection ConditionalExpressionJS
        const prop = isEvenTurn ? App.X_TURNS_PROP : App.O_TURNS_PROP
        this._updateTurnsAndGrid(index, char, prop)
        console.log('isEvenTurn:', isEvenTurn, char, prop, index, this._grid[index]) // jshint ignore:line

_isEvenTurn (index)

     * Determines if the turn is even and updates the turns and grid accordingly.
     * @function _isEvenTurn
     * @param {number} index - The index of the grid to be updated.
     * @return {undefined}
     * @desc determines if the turn is even and updates the turns and grid accordingly.
     * It takes an input parameter index which represents the index of the grid to be updated.
     * It calculates whether the turn is even by checking if the remainder of the division of `this._turns`
     * by 2 is equal to 0. If the turn is even, it assigns certain values to variables char and prop.
    _isEvenTurn (index) {
        const isEvenTurn = this._turns % 2 === 0
        // noinspection ConditionalExpressionJS
        const char = isEvenTurn ? this._xChars : this._oChars
        // noinspection ConditionalExpressionJS
        const prop = isEvenTurn ? App.X_TURNS_PROP : App.O_TURNS_PROP
        this._updateTurnsAndGrid(index, char, prop)
        console.log('isEvenTurn:', isEvenTurn, char, prop, index, this._grid[index]) // jshint ignore:line


     * Checks whether the sequence of turns is a winner.
     * @function _checkSequenceWin
     * @param {string} turns - The sequence of turns.
     * @param {string} sequence - The sequence of turns to check.
     * @returns {boolean}
     * @private
     * @desc It takes in two parameters: turns and sequence.  Inside the function, it creates a regular expression
     * using the sequence parameter. This regular expression matches any three characters in the sequence string.
     * Then, it uses the created regular expression to filter out any characters in the turns string that are not
     * present in the sequence string. The filtered string is stored in the filteredTurns variable.
     * Finally, the function returns true if the filtered string contains a sequence of three consecutive characters
     * that match the sequence string, and false otherwise.
     * @credit Scott Window for use of RegExp constructor, regex pattern and RegExp.test() methods.
     * */
    _checkSequenceWin (turns, sequence) {
        const sequenceRegExp = new RegExp(`[${sequence}]{3}`)
        const searchRegExp = new RegExp(`[^${sequence}]+`, 'g')
        const filteredTurns = turns.replace(searchRegExp, '')
        return sequenceRegExp.test(filteredTurns)
iPoetDev commented 10 months ago

App in DevTools
