iPrody / iPrody-Devs-Gr0000000008-inquiry-service

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🔥 Inquiry Service: Establish service #37

Open usharik opened 4 months ago

usharik commented 4 months ago

General information Inquiry service (further IS) holds data about all inbound inquiries of will to buy any available product or get in touch with marketing department for getting more information about available products. Inquiry itself is a main artifact for sales and marketing departments.

Inquiry may initiated via Webpage or via Telegram (direct message to manager). In case of Webpage, an inquiry should be set to the system automatically via integration between Webpage and CRM. In case of Telegram, an inquiry should be set to the system manually by a responsible manager, to the system via CRM GUI.

Main operable entities: Product, Source. All of them build domain area called Inquiry. Source holds information about a place where the inquiry came from. Currently only next sources are supported: Webapp, Telegram, Youtube. Every inquiry has a reference to Product that should be obtained via Product Service

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