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Connect Module - Results-per-page inaccuracy #25

Open tkimiq opened 3 months ago

tkimiq commented 3 months ago

Georgia Lottery has reported a Connect module issue where they can't see all results from a search of journalist profiles:

Their steps: In Connect, select Journalist Profiles.

Search term: "politics"

City: "Atlanta"

93 results returned.

When expanding results-per-page to 25 hits/page, user can click "show more results" until it tops out at 83 and the last 10 results are not shown. Also, when initially Screen Shot 2024-04-02 at 1 50 06 PM clicking "show more results", only 15 records are shown.

When expanding results-per-page to 100/150/250, only the first 15 results are shown and the "show more results" button is no longer available to see any additional hits.

I'm sending a message to Wen from ANewsTip so they can also investigate whether this is an issue with our platform or with their contact database. Screen Shot 2024-0
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