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Errors - Redesign #77

Closed coreation closed 12 years ago

coreation commented 12 years ago

The errors ( exceptions ) who are thrown right now are somewhat limited, no stack trace, no line number (unless it's a fatal error by php). These things should be included in the caught and thrown exceptions in the framework.

More ideas for features on error ?(reporting and handling) RFC !

coreation commented 12 years ago

New design of the exceptions:

all (model and back-end) exception-representations will have:

1) Doc : documentation about the type of error (i.e. AuthenticationException is an exception thrown when.....) 2) logMessage: A detailed message about the exception, how is this exception throw, what may have caused it 3) prettyMessage: message meant for users 4) linenumber: linenumber in the file of which the error occured 5) file: filename in which the error occured 6) time 7) user_agent : can be "system" as well when an internal system error occurs 8) http code (4xx, 5xx) 9) stack trace

coreation commented 12 years ago

On second thought logMessage and Prettymessage are going to be mostly the same, why not provide detailed information towards the user as you would to our back-end ?

coreation commented 12 years ago

The message is passed to the user like previous versions, yet on the back-end part linenumber, file and trace ( trace has been "stringified" ) are logged.