iRessources / AgileDwarf

Agile plugin for Redmine
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Can't create task and sprints #37

Open cfrancomartinez opened 12 years ago

cfrancomartinez commented 12 years ago


When i try to access to create task o sprints redmine give me an Internal Error

"Internal error An error occurred on the page you were trying to access. If you continue to experience problems please contact your redMine administrator for assistance."

Im access to this links

http://xxxxxxxxxx/adtasks/list?project_id=prueba http://xxxxxxxxxx/adsprints/list?project_id=prueba

I have installed :

Redmine 1.0.0.stable (MySQL) Ruby version 1.8.7 x86_64-Linux Red Hat 4.4.6-3

Thanks a lot for your help

cfrancomartinez commented 12 years ago

Im activate report error , and show me this:

NoMethodError in Adtasks#list Showing vendor/plugins/AgileDwarf/app/views/adtasks/list.html.erb where line #21 raised: undefined method `html_safe' for "{\"28\":\"Carlos Franco Martinez\",\"18\":\"Eduardo Villa\"}":String

igorfk commented 11 years ago

Same error here, Tryng to access "tasks" and "run charts" tabs I'm presented to the same "Internal error" page

My installation: Redmine 1.3.1 Ruby FreeBSD 9.0 amd64 Postgresql 9.0