iTXTech / Daedalus

No root required Android DNS modifier and Hosts/DNSMasq resolver.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Advice]Local listening mode #73

Closed JiaJiaJiang closed 5 years ago

JiaJiaJiang commented 5 years ago

I hope a mode that listens on a local port(such as or other ports) can be added. This may be able to solve the confliction with other apps which uses VPN mode.

PeratX commented 5 years ago

Please tell me which app can customize DNS server on Android? Android will query the default DNS server directly if not using VPN.

JiaJiaJiang commented 5 years ago

Some proxy apps can set an upsteam dns server for dns querying (such as BifrostV), if Daedalus can listen on a local port as a dns server, Daedalus will be able to cooperate with other proxy apps which use VPN mode.

PeratX commented 5 years ago

never heard that. btw, you can implement it yourself.

JiaJiaJiang commented 5 years ago

OK, i just have to learn android developing before that. btw,how do you use Daedalus and an proxy app at the same time?

PeratX commented 5 years ago

If you want to setup a local DNS server, netty is a good choice and it does not require any Android programming knowledge. The following content is written in Chinese. Please let me know if you cannot understand. 其实,我不会混用他们。fq用shadowsocks一般情况下已经够了。国内环境用Daedalus过滤就行了。

PeratX commented 5 years ago


JiaJiaJiang commented 5 years ago


PeratX commented 5 years ago

但是我记得fq之后是可以用远程DNS解析的,本身也不会有污染了。 ss被封是正常,你需要阿里云CN2,人有多大胆,ss有多快。

JiaJiaJiang commented 5 years ago


PeratX commented 5 years ago


JiaJiaJiang commented 5 years ago

可以是可以,但是这国内运营商访问境外网都会有一定程度抽搐,像是最近移动到cloudflare的线路又在抽了,所以我就没用pac,直接代理了所有境外ip。这么做就必须要自己搞定能正确解析网站ip还不能被污染的问题。 你没兴趣加这个功能的话我再想想其它方案吧,要关闭issue吗。

PeratX commented 5 years ago

本身其实不难,但是我感觉不太合适,而且适用面不大。 如果你有netty的编程基础的话,一点都不难。 可以加入tg群组讨论,如果你在编写的时候遇到了问题。

JiaJiaJiang commented 5 years ago

看了看发现netty是java的框架,我java虽然学过不过没啥实际开发经验,估计会比较困难吧。要是node.js的话我可能可以写得出来。 我只是觉得这个app里已经做了这么些实用功能了,在这上面加一个入口总比自己从头研究开发好。那我有空的时候看看能不能自己在上面实现它吧。 issue关闭咯

PeratX commented 5 years ago

nodejs当然也可以实现,那直接termux吧 ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍