iTowns / itowns

A Three.js-based framework written in Javascript/WebGL for visualizing 3D geospatial data
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3D Tiles support #185

Open vpicavet opened 7 years ago

vpicavet commented 7 years ago

The 3D Tiles specification is starting to take shape and approaches a stable version :

As the specification also enters OGC proposed work as community standard, it will be important to support this protocol at some point.

The spec will take the following parts into account for planned version 1.0 :

Cesium already implements the draft version of the specification :

Some issues which must be solved before being able to implement 3D Tiles : 

Do not hesitate to comment and add information on this large issue.

Jeremy-Gaillard commented 7 years ago

Working on it, starting with the tileset.json import.

Jeremy-Gaillard commented 7 years ago

tileset.json support:

Known issues:

Jeremy-Gaillard commented 7 years ago

Batched 3D Model (b3dm) support:

Additional issues:

vpicavet commented 7 years ago

@nikosaul is working on this issue

qdnguyen commented 7 years ago

What is he doing exactly? i'm also working on 3dtile generation, first test with 3d model of lyon.

vpicavet commented 7 years ago

Please consider contributing to if you want to work on the server-side aspects of 3D Tile : support for all the specs in the module and converter scripts are welcome.

@nikosaul will start working on the client side, implementing 3D tiles support in iTowns, first with spec examples.

And please, please please, communicate before you start working on a subject, and try to consolidate / mutualize your efforts with existing projects.

qdnguyen commented 7 years ago

it's server-side that i'm doing now, but my objectif is to have a 3dtiles of Bati3D (paris, lyon) from cityGML format, so i used 3dcitydb and some javascript tools (ex. gltf to b3dm, 3dtile tool) to do that.

NikoSaul commented 7 years ago

Read the .pnts file

qdnguyen commented 7 years ago

Can we support a b3dm file with embeded resources such as texture?

For now, when i load an embeded b3dm file, i got this error from gltf loader. GLTFLoader.js:980 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'binary_glTF' of undefined at GLTFLoader.js:980 at _each (GLTFLoader.js:592) at GLTFLoader.js:978 at

Jeremy-Gaillard commented 6 years ago

Some issues that need fixing:

Other welcome additions:

autra commented 6 years ago

tile loading prioritisation based on the depth of the tile in the tileset and the distance between the camera and the tile

Could it be relevant to prioritize according to the space taken on screen like for pointclouds for examples? (by projecting the bounding box?)

Jeremy-Gaillard commented 6 years ago

Sure. We'll need to think about which weight to give each of the metrics we use to compute the priority.

ladislavhorky commented 5 years ago

Batched 3D Model (b3dm) support:

  • [x] Geometry
  • [x] Batch table
  • [ ] Feature table

Additional issues:

  • Three doesn't seem able to handle the batchId shader attribute

Hello, is there any progress or plan to support the feature table in 3D tiles?

I am preparing a talk for FOSS4G NA 2019 about performance comparison of CesiumJS, iTowns and VTS on 3D cadastre example (terrain + 3D city + vector parcels). I seemed that iTowns support 3D tiles with LODded, textured mesh 3D city models but it does not so far which is a major drawback. All models I use work just fine in Cesium, in iTowns I get 3D Tiles feature table not supported yet..

Thanks, Ladislav

ladislavhorky commented 5 years ago

Maybe @Jeremy-Gaillard ?

Jeremy-Gaillard commented 5 years ago

Hello @ladislavhorky,

Unfortunately, I am no longer active on this project since the end of my PhD, so I'm not sure what the status of the implementation of the feature table is.

I may still be able to help you though. I think the problem comes from an evolution of how the 3D Tiles specification handles the RTC. It used to be in the glTF part of the B3DM file, but it seems it is now in the feature table. If that's indeed the problem (you can check easily by looking if your B3DM file has an RTC_CENTER property in its feature table), you (or someone that is still active on the project) can fix this quite easily by adapting the code here and here.

ladislavhorky commented 5 years ago

Hello @Jeremy-Gaillard,

thanks for the pointers. At least for our data, the RTC_CENTER is in the featureTable as you pointed out (there is not much more than that). We will probably check data from other vendors to be sure.

From the code you linked it seems the correct solution is to parse the feature table, note the RTC_CENTER if present and then pass it to applyOptionalCesiumRTC as optional override for the - that would make it BW compatible (no center in the feature table -> unchanged behavior) and working for us (provided it is the only problem).

There is a slight chance I may manage to make a PR. If not, let this serve as a reference for anyone working on the project (@gchoqueux probably?).

Thanks, L.

gchoqueux commented 5 years ago

Hello @ladislavhorky , thanks for your interest in itowns.

For the moment iTowns doesn't support the features tables.

We are in 3dtiles refactoring with @jailln . I couldn't work, in full time, on 3d tiles until the second semester.

@jailln do you plan to implement features tables?

ladislavhorky commented 5 years ago

Hello @gchoqueux,

I may manage to give it a day - I would not exactly call it an implementation, a quick hack at best. If I manage to get it working, I will make a PR and link the 3D tiles data I used.

jailln commented 5 years ago

@gchoqueux I don't plan to work on the feature table implementation for now (I am currently more focused on the extensions of 3D Tiles) but it would indeed be nice to support it.

ladislavhorky commented 5 years ago

Hi, I managed to get a 3D tiles city model downloadable from here that does not contain a batch table. Model can be displayed in Cesium and it looks fine. When displayed in iTowns, the model shows up but looks completely black (no textures) with no warnings in the console.

Therefore, I guess there is more to implement to support textured-meshes 3D tiles than just batch table. As the batch table is just one step towards support of textured 3D models in iTowns I have to drop the matter for time reasons.

adam314315 commented 2 years ago


Does the last version of iTown implement 3D Tiles Next format (as presented by Cesium to avoid having a single large tileset.json file rather than a tileset.json file with references to smaller tileset.jon files attached to their corresponding bounding boxes ?

gchoqueux commented 2 years ago

Hi At the moment itowns doesn't support 3d tiles next

mgermerie commented 1 year ago

The complete 3d-tiles support is planned in the short term road map. We are currently studying possibilities in terms of libraries to enhance support (as mentioned in this discussion.