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Astro Tag Component #1966

Closed AdamMeza-Bentley closed 1 week ago

AdamMeza-Bentley commented 1 month ago



I ran into a formatting issue in the tag.astro file relatedto how astro handles white space sensitivity, which is intentional. In order to match the old snapshots I was forced to format the Tag_ components in a way that prettier automatically undid on save. So I added a .prettierignore which includes a few files that use the Tag_ component. This unfortunately prevents us from using prettier in those files.


All existing tests are passing. This made no changes to any tests

If not applicable, you can write "N/A".



AdamMeza-Bentley commented 2 weeks ago

Additionally there are some changes to the snapshots as there is another spacing issue caused by astro that I can't quite figure out. the end result is a very small change. If anyone has ideas on how to solve that I would love some help

Ben-Pusey-Bentley commented 1 week ago

Additionally there are some changes to the snapshots as there is another spacing issue caused by astro that I can't quite figure out. the end result is a very small change. If anyone has ideas on how to solve that I would love some help

I think that your updates to the tag formatting in the 'fix default tags' commit removed these changes. However, the files are still being replaced with identical looking files. Is there a way to preserve the old files, instead of replacing them?

AdamMeza-Bentley commented 1 week ago

I think that your updates to the tag formatting in the 'fix default tags' commit removed these changes. However, the files are still being replaced with identical looking files. Is there a way to preserve the old files, instead of replacing them?

Reverted back to the images from main. tests are working