iTwin / itwinjs-core

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Allow to Disable Element Tooltips #6832

Open mathieu-fournier opened 2 weeks ago

mathieu-fournier commented 2 weeks ago

A informational tooltip appears automatically when the mouse is still for a short period of time. We need a way to disable these. They appear on top of everything and should just not appear at all. image

We can costumize them with tooltip provider. But even if we costumize them to be empty, an empty tooltip box still appears.

I'm not 100% sure, but I think this line is where the tooltip is 'activated'.

The solution should be someting that ressembles : IModelApp.viewManager.disableTooltips = true. IModelApp.uiAdmin.updateFeatureFlags({ showTooltips: false });


GerardasB commented 1 week ago

NotificationManager already has a getter isToolTipSupported that is used by AccuSnap APIs that you could override. Alternatively, you could override _showToolTip of your notification manager (I assume you are using AppNotificationManager).

mathieu-fournier commented 3 days ago

These are readonly and private properties, I cant change them. image