iTwin / viewer

Monorepo that contains the iTwin Viewer npm packages and their related packages
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Switching to Frontstage with Blank iModelConnection does not cause the active iModel Connection to be blank #226

Open Alfonso-Martello opened 1 year ago

Alfonso-Martello commented 1 year ago

When a Frontstage is declared, the viewState and iModelConnection can be passed as arguments. Passing a blank view state and a blank iModelConnection causes the view to appear blank. I would have expected the active iModelConnection to be reported as blank as well. However, UiFramework.getIModelConnection() still reports the iModelConnection as not being blank.

A sandbox demonstrating this behavior can be found here:

Note: The sandbox is currently using Viewer@2.x, but I was able to reproduce this behvaiour in an iTwin Viewer application using Viewer@3.x.