iTwin / viewer

Monorepo that contains the iTwin Viewer npm packages and their related packages
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iTwins Web Viewer - Multiple iModels #293

Closed rpowell15 closed 4 months ago

rpowell15 commented 10 months ago


Is it possible to view multiple iModels in the viewer at once? I have a large project that requires that is split up into multiple segments (ie. sections of a roadway) by iModel. For example, Segment 01 iModel contains a Container file of multiple disciplines. Segment 02 iModel, Segment 03... etc. In the viewer, I would like to filter to certain objects (ie. Pipe) across multiple iModels.

Thanks in advance image

aruniverse commented 10 months ago

short answer: yes & no;

You can visualize the graphics from other imodels in the same vp using a TiledGraphicsProvider. This however doesn't integrate directly with the tree-widget you are displaying which makes the asumption that there is only one imodel. You would need to create your own which tries to aggregate all the data for all the different iModels into one.

You can also combine multiple iModels into 1 single iModel using the imodel-transformer

For additional details please see: